
2024-10-01 00:18:10 发布

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程序描述:我试图创建一个函数breakInChunks(),它接受一个参数temp_s: string,其中temp_s是一个数学表达式,例如1+(3-e^(x-6))-8+(99-4)*10。然后,该函数搜索开始括号和结束括号,并用以下格式的“chunk”替换括号内的表达式:[i$j](其中i是开始括号的索引,j-是结束括号的索引)。如果一个整块[m$n]中有多个块,则程序应仅将mn的字符串中的字符替换为[m$n]。最后,函数返回keypairs字典,其中键应该是块,值应该是从初始字符串中剪切出来的实际字符串,例如{'23$28': 'string within 23 and 28 characters'}。所有剩余的符号(括号外的符号)最后都应该以相同的chunk: string方式追加到字典中


breakInChunks()输出:{'12$18': '11+12', '7$22': '9+10[12$18]+14', '0$23': '7+x+8*[7$22]', '28$31': '34', '25$32': '2*[28$31]', '24:25': '-'}


Input: (7+y+(66+7)+(32+(78*19-(32-0)))+(32-9))+8+9+(9-10)-(9/7)-10
Output: {'5$10': '66+7', '23$28': '32-0', '16$29': '78*19-[23$28', '12$30': 
'32+[16$29]))+8+9+', '32$37': '32-9', '0$38': '7+y+(66+7)+(32+[16$29][23$28]]37]])+8',
'44$49': '9-10', '51$55': '9/7', '11:0': '', '31:0': '', '39:44': '+8+9+', '50:51': '-'}



def findall(sstr, substr):
    gen = sstr.find(substr)
    while gen != -1:
        yield gen
        gen = sstr.find(substr, gen + 1)

def findclosest(l: list, el: list):  # find closest string from L to string from EL
    j = el[ 1 ]
    minimum = j
    min_index = 0
    for i in range(len(l)):
        if l[ i ][ 0 ] - j < minimum:
            minimum = l[ i ][ 0 ] - j
            min_index = l[ i ][ 0 ]
    return min_index

def breakInChunks(temp_s):  # main
    list_of_additions = [ ]
    list_of_opened = list(findall(temp_s, '('))
    list_of_closed = list(findall(temp_s, ')'))
    if sum(list_of_opened) < sum(list_of_closed) and len(list_of_opened) == len(
        n = 0
        # <WHILE>
        while len(
                list_of_closed) != 0:  # read strings-expressions from the most inner ones to the most outer ones
            minimum = list_of_closed[ len(list_of_closed) - 1 ]
            j = list_of_closed.pop(0)
            for i in range(len(list_of_opened)):  # find the closest opening bracket to the most inner closing one
                diff = j - list_of_opened[ i ]
                if diff > 0:
                    if diff <= minimum:
                        pop_index = i
                        minimum = j - list_of_opened[ i ]
            starting_index = list_of_opened.pop(pop_index)
            # start filling KEYPAIRS
            if len(keypairs) == 0:  # if KEYPAIRS is empty
                keypairs[ f'{starting_index}${j}' ] = temp_s[ starting_index + 1:j ]
            else:  # if KEYPAIRS has at least one key-value pair
                keys = [ key.split('$') for key in
                         keypairs.keys() ]  # reading and unpacking key-value pairs (reading indecies)
                innerSeq = temp_s
                min_index_i = None
                min_index_j = None
                prevExtracted_i = 0
                prevExtracted_j = 0
                for p in range(len(keys) - 1, -1, -1):
                    k = keys[ p ]
                    extracted_i, extracted_j = int(k[ 0 ]), int(k[ 1 ])
                    if starting_index < extracted_i:  # if the chunk we are checking contains another one, we are checking if it's in fact the closest one to the chunk we are checking
                        if (
                                extracted_i < prevExtracted_i and prevExtracted_j < extracted_j) or prevExtracted_i == 0:
                            min_index_i = extracted_i
                            min_index_j = extracted_j
                            if prevExtracted_i == 0:
                                if extracted_i > int(keys[ p - 1 ][ 0 ]) and extracted_j < int(keys[ p - 1 ][ 1 ]):
                                    innerSeq = innerSeq[
                                               :extracted_i ] + f'[{extracted_i}${extracted_j}]' + innerSeq[
                                                                                                   extracted_j + 1: ]
                            if min_index_i is not None:
                                innerSeq = innerSeq[ :min_index_i ] + f'[{min_index_i}${min_index_j}]' + innerSeq[
                                                                                                         min_index_j + 1: ]
                                min_index_i = None
                                min_index_j = None
                                innerSeq = innerSeq[
                                           :prevExtracted_i ] + f'[{prevExtracted_i}${prevExtracted_j}]' + innerSeq[
                                                                                                           prevExtracted_j + 1: ]
                        prevExtracted_i = extracted_i
                        prevExtracted_j = extracted_j
                        n += 1
                keypairs[ f'{starting_index}${j}' ] = innerSeq[ starting_index + 1:j ]
        # </WHILE>
        # checking if there are any strings outside parentheses left
        temp = [ [ int(key.split('$')[ 0 ]), int(key.split('$')[ 1 ]) ] for key in sorted(keypairs.keys(),
                                                                                          key=lambda el: int(
                                                                                                  1 ])) ]  # sort from the most inner to the most outer
        for i in range(len(temp) - 1):
            if temp[ i ][ 1 ] < temp[ i + 1 ][
                0 ]:  # if there is a gap between parentheses
                # find the closest difference in order to find actual string outside chunks with the help of findclosest()
                # add new chunk to LIST_OF_ADDITIONS
                list_of_additions.append([ temp[ i ][ 1 ] + 1, findclosest(temp[ i + 1: ], temp[ i ]) ])
        if len(list_of_additions) > 0:  # if something is inside LIST_OF_ADDITIONS
            # add remaining strings to KEYPAIRS
            for addition in list_of_additions:
                keypairs[ f'{addition[ 0 ]}:{addition[ 1 ]}' ] = self.s[ addition[ 0 ]:addition[ 1 ] ]
        return keypairs  # return KEYPAIRS
        raise RuntimeError(f'Amount of closing and opening brackets does not match')

Tags: ofthetokeyinindexlenif


import re

def breakInChunks(s):
    chunks = dict()
    tokens = re.finditer(r"([^()]+|.?)", s)

    def recur(start):
        result = ""
        for match in tokens:
            if match[0] in ")":
                key = f"{start}${match.start()}"
                chunks[key] = result
                return key
            result += f"[{recur(match.start())}]" if match[0] == "(" else match[0]
    return chunks


s = "(7+x+8*(9+10(11+12)+14))-(2*(34))"
chunks = breakInChunks(s)


    '12$18': '11+12',
    '7$22': '9+10[12$18]+14',
    '0$23': '7+x+8*[7$22]',
    '28$31': '34', '25$32':
    '0$33': '[0$23]-[25$32]'

请注意,最后一个条目不是您问题中给出的'24:25': '-',而是'0$33': '[0$23]-[25$32]',这与应用于其他条目的逻辑更为一致


s = "(7+y+(66+7)+(32+(78*19-(32-0)))+(32-9))+8+9+(9-10)-(9/7)-10"
chunks = breakInChunks(s)


    '5$10': '66+7',
    '23$28': '32-0',
    '16$29': '78*19-[23$28]',
    '12$30': '32+[16$29]',
    '32$37': '32-9',
    '0$38': '7+y+[5$10]+[12$30]+[32$37]',
    '44$49': '9-10',
    '51$55': '9/7',
    '0$59': '[0$38]+8+9+[44$49]-[51$55]-10'


def parGroups(S):
    result = dict()
    stack  = [[0,""]]*2           # parenthesis position, expression
    for i,c in enumerate(S+")"):  # extra ")" to force out main expression
        if c=="(":                
            stack.append([i,""])  # stack up new group
        if c==")":
            start,expr      = stack.pop(-1)    # unstack current group
            c               = f"[{start}${i}]" # token
            result[c[1:-1]] = expr             # build result
        stack[-1][-1] += c        # accumulate expression in current group
    return result


S = "(7+y+(66+7)+(32+(78*19-(32-0)))+(32-9))+8+9+(9-10)-(9/7)-10"

{'5$10' : '66+7',
 '23$28': '32-0',
 '16$29': '78*19-[23$28]',
 '12$30': '32+[16$29]',
 '32$37': '32-9',
 '0$38' : '7+y+[5$10]+[12$30]+[32$37]',
 '44$49': '9-10',
 '51$55': '9/7',
 '0$59' : '[0$38]+8+9+[44$49]-[51$55]-10'}

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