
2024-09-26 18:06:25 发布

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人们!我正试图编写一个SpaceInvaders Python程序,以达到学习的目的,但在循环内部的列表数据操作问题上一直步履蹒跚。 我刚刚创建了一个Squid类,将圆的数据封装到PyGame中,格式为:RGB,[X,Y]int

class Space_Ship:

    def space_ship():

        space_ship_X = 100
        space_ship_Y = 550
        space_ship_color = (255, 255, 255)
        space_ship_radius = 10
        space_ship = space_ship_color, [space_ship_X, space_ship_Y], space_ship_radius

        return space_ship
   class Squid:

    def squid():
        squid_X = 100
        squid_Y = 100
        squid_radius = 10
        squid_color = (255, 0, 0)
        squid = [squid_color, [squid_X, squid_Y], squid_radius]
        return squid


from invader_squid.squid import Squid
from space_ship.space_ship import Space_Ship

import pygame
from pygame.constants import K_LEFT, K_RIGHT


pygame.display.set_caption("Space Invaders - for poors")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
FPS = 60

color_background = (0, 0, 0)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))

''' space contenders '''
space_ship = Space_Ship.space_ship()
squid = Squid.squid()

''' game logic '''
space_ships = 1
squids = 10
crabs = 10
octopusses = 5
mother_ships = 3


squids = 10
squadron_squids = []

i = 0
while i < squids:
    print('squid ' + str( squid[1][0]))

    squid[1][0] += 50

    print('New squid ' + str( squid[1][0]))


    i += 1

print('squid_X: ' + str(squid[1][0]) + '\nsquadron_squids ' + str(squadron_squids))


loop = True

while loop:
    # mandatory exit condition
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            loop = False

    # screen draw
    # space_ship, *space_ship) # *args 'scatter'
    # squid
    '''for i in range(squids):, squadron_squids[i])
        user input - move left or right
        circle can't surpass screen size
    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
    if keys[K_LEFT]:
        space_ship[1][0] -= 5
        if space_ship[1][0] < 10:
            space_ship[1][0] = 10
    if keys[K_RIGHT]:
        space_ship[1][0] += 5
        if space_ship[1][0] > 790:
            space_ship[1][0] = 790



squid_X 100
New squid_X 150
squid_X 150    
New squid_X 200
squid_X 200    
New squid_X 250
squid_X 250    
New squid_X 300
squid_X 300
New squid_X 350
squid_X 350
New squid_X 400
squid_X 400
New squid_X 450
squid_X 450
New squid_X 500
squid_X 500
New squid_X 550
squid_X 550
New squid_X 600

squid_X: 600
squadron_squids [[(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10], [(255, 0, 0), [600, 100], 10]]

提前谢谢! 欢迎任何深化本主题的阅读资料

Tags: import列表newifspacescreenpygamesquid
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-26 18:06:25




class Squid:
    def __init__(self, x, y, radius = 10, color = (255, 0, 0)):
        # bind all the values passed in this function to the object we're constructing here
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.radius = radius
        self.color = color
    def __str__(self):
        # What happens when we call str(mySquid)?
        # Let's return something human readible
        # You can compare this to the output when calling repr(mySquid)
        return f'Squid([x={self.x}, y={self.y}], r={self.radius}, col={self.color})'

num_squids = 10
squad = []

# repeat num_squids=10 times
y = 10
for i in range(num_squids):
    sq = Squid(i, y)
    print(f'Squid {i+1} is ready: {sq}!')

print("Here is my squad...")
for squid in squad:


Squid 1 is ready: Squid([x=0, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 2 is ready: Squid([x=1, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 3 is ready: Squid([x=2, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 4 is ready: Squid([x=3, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 5 is ready: Squid([x=4, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 6 is ready: Squid([x=5, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 7 is ready: Squid([x=6, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 8 is ready: Squid([x=7, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 9 is ready: Squid([x=8, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!
Squid 10 is ready: Squid([x=9, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))!

Here is my squad...
Squid([x=0, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=1, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=2, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=3, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=4, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=5, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=6, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=7, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=8, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))
Squid([x=9, y=10], r=10, col=(255, 0, 0))

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