
2024-10-02 22:25:55 发布

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def psd_time_series(y):
   yAC = np.correlate(Y-np.mean(Y), Y-np.mean(Y), mode='full')
   yAC = yAC/np.max(yAC) # not necessary, but scales large values
   fft_yAC= np.fft.fft(yAC)
   freqs = np.arange(0,len(fft_yAC))/len(fft_yAC)
   psd = 10*np.log10(np.abs(fft_yAC)/max(np.abs(fft_yAC))
   return psd,freqs

def determine_if_seasonal(psd):
    ### part I need help with

def detect_seasonality(y):

   psd,freqs = psd_time_series(y)
   seasonality = ... #### do some check of PSD to determine if seasonal

   if seasonality:
       periodicity = round(1/freqs[psd.argsort()[::-1]][0])
       periodicity = None
   return periodicity



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Tags: fftif信号defnp时间序列周期性



我要做的第一件事是将数据集分解为多个部分。你能把它分成多少部分取决于你的数据集相对于你试图找到的信号的周期性(或者在你的例子中没有找到)有多长。要获得更多的分段,可以做的一件事是重叠它们,但为了节省能量,需要使用适当的窗口进行过滤。在下面的代码中,我假设有50%的重叠,并应用Hanning window。我真的忘记了不同窗口和重叠的细节,所以我很抱歉,我不能提供更多关于为什么我选择这个窗口重叠的信息

希望您能从数据集中得出您的背景状态的分布或期望值。也许它只是一个白噪声地板,或者更复杂的红移或蓝移。功率谱的背景电平应提供噪声电平的信息,因为功率谱能量与噪声有关,如2 * noise**2 / (fs * L),其中fs是采样频率,L是窗口长度。如果我没记错的话,就像我说的,我很生疏


import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def detrend(y):
    # This function removes the linear trend from the time series
    # by fitting y = mx + b to x and then subtracting it
    x = np.arange(len(y))
    A = np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T
    m, b = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None)[0]
    return(y - m * x - b)

def subset(f, L, overlap, fs):
    # Break the function f into sections of length L.
    # Normally you do some overlapping of sections,
    # and you want to use an appropriate window
    # to conserve the energy in the time series signal.
    # Here I use a Hanning window.
    N = len(f)
    x = []
    for i in range(0, int(N-L+1), int(L * overlap)):
        window = np.hanning(L)
        y = detrend(f[i:i+L]) * window
        fft = np.fft.fft(y)
        fft = fft[:len(fft)//2+1]
        x.append(np.real(fft * np.conj(fft)) / (fs * L))

def noise(N):
    # Create a white noise field
    return(np.random.random(N) - 0.5)

N = 10**4 # length of time series
dt = 1    # sampling period
fs = 2 * np.pi / dt # sampling frequency
nyquist = fs / 2 # nyquist frequency
t = np.linspace(dt, N * dt, N) # times of data collection

L = N // 100 # window size used for subsampling
overlap = 0.5 # overlap in windows

# frequencies that will come out of the fft
# you can also use fp.fft.fftfreq and adjust
freqs = np.linspace(0, nyquist, L//2+1) 

# Create background white noise
noise_amplitude = 3
energy_scale = 2 * noise_amplitude**2 / (fs * L)
WhiteNoise = np.array(subset(noise_amplitude * noise(N), L, overlap, fs) ) / energy_scale

# Create another timeseries with a signal and noise
omega = 2 * np.pi / 10 # frequency in dataset
signal = (noise_amplitude / 4) * np.cos(t * omega)  # signal in dataset
data = signal + noise_amplitude * noise(N) # dataset
DataSet    = np.array(subset(data,  L, overlap, fs)) / energy_scale

# Percentiles of White Noise Power Spectra, for plotting
Wprct = np.percentile(WhiteNoise, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis = 0)

# Percentiles of Data Power Spectra, for plotting
Dprct = np.percentile(DataSet, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis = 0)

fig = plt.figure()
# Plot the spectra from all the subsets of the noise
for w in WhiteNoise:
    plt.semilogy(freqs[1:], w[1:], 'k', alpha = 0.05)

# Plot the median and confidence intervales
lines, = plt.semilogy(freqs[1:], Wprct[2,1:], label = 'Median of noise floor')
plt.fill_between(freqs[1:], Wprct[1,1:], Wprct[3,1:], alpha = 0.8, color = lines.get_color(), label = '50% CI of noise floor')
plt.fill_between(freqs[1:], Wprct[0,1:], Wprct[1,1:], alpha = 0.4, color = lines.get_color(), label = '95% CI of noise floor')
plt.fill_between(freqs[1:], Wprct[3,1:], Wprct[4,1:], alpha = 0.4, color = lines.get_color())

lines, = plt.plot(freqs[1:], Dprct[2,1:], label = 'Median signal-to-noise estimate')

plt.plot([omega, omega], [10**-3, 100], 'k:', label = 'Signal in dataset')
plt.plot([freqs[1], freqs[-1]], [1, 1], 'r:', label = 'Noise floor')
plt.xlabel('Angular frequency')
plt.ylabel('Energy above noise floor [db]')

psd of signals

很明显,信号穿过了噪音,但我认为我们可以想出比“用眼睛盯着它”更好的办法。在下面的代码中,我只看我的“数据集”的每个频率上高于噪声分布和相应比例的点数。从噪波中提取值有50%的几率使值大于噪波,因此 你希望你的信号大大高于50%。(另一方面,如果该值小于50%,则表明信号在噪声地板下方,这将很有趣。)有more advanced approaches,我没有在这里讨论,但我认为会给出相同的结果

for i in range(1, len(freqs)):
    x = 0
    for j in range(len(DataSet[:,i])):
        x += np.sum(DataSet[j,i] > WhiteNoise[:,i])
    x /= len(DataSet[:,i])**2
    plt.plot(freqs[i], x, 'k.')
plt.plot([omega, omega], [0.4, 1], 'k:', label = 'Signal in dataset')
plt.xlabel('Angular frequency')
plt.ylabel('Probability signal is greater than noise')

probability signal > noise





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