
2024-06-26 12:48:02 发布

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这个问题可能与在Why is vectorized numpy code slower than for loops?回答的问题有相同的味道

我想实现一个sigma裁剪方法来拒绝一系列图像中的一些异常值。下面是我得到的,首先是一些生成带有异常值的随机数据立方体(我通常有4k x 4k的真实图像)的代码


import numpy as np

def make_outliers(mean=1000, err=10, size=50):
    # Create 1 stack of pixel with 10% outliers. 
    std = np.sqrt(mean)
    n_outliers = np.random.randint(0, int(size/10))
    size -= n_outliers
    random_err = err * np.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=std, size=size) * np.random.choice((-1, 1), size)
    data = mean + random_err

    outlier_int = 50 * mean
    outlier_errs =  outlier_int * np.random.rand(n_outliers) * np.random.choice((-1, 1), n_outliers)
    data = np.concatenate((data, outlier_errs))

    return data

def cube_outliers(size=(128, 128, 50)):
    # Make an image series with outliers with respect to the 3rd dimension

    cube = np.empty(size)
    for r in range(size[0]):
        for c in range(size[1]):
            cube[r,c,:] = make_outliers(size=size[-1])
    return cube


def sigma_clip(datacube):
    rejMask = np.zeros(datacube.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    n = 1
    n_outliers = []

    while n > 0:
        rejMask0 = rejMask.copy()
        med = np.nanmedian(datacube, axis=-1)
        sigma = np.nanstd(datacube, axis=-1)
        rejMask = (np.abs(datacube - med[...,np.newaxis]) > 5*sigma[...,np.newaxis])
        n = rejMask.sum()
#         print(n)
        rejMask = rejMask0 | rejMask
        datacube[rejMask] = np.nan
    return rejMask, n_outliers

# Generate data cube for testing, emulating a series of 100 images. 
images = cube_outliers(size=(1024, 1024, 100))


%timeit rej_mask1, n_outs = sigma_clip(images.copy())
print(n_outs, sum(n_outs))

24.2 s ± 114 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
[22213, 36, 0] 22249


images2 = images.copy()
nout_rows = []
rej_mask2 = np.empty(images.shape)
for r in range(images.shape[0]):
    rej_mask2[r, ...], nout_r = sigma_clip(images2[r,...]) 

10.6 s ± 60.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

nloops = max([len(nouts) for nouts in nout_rows])
nout_sum = sum([sum(nouts) for nouts in nout_rows])
print(nout_max, nout_sum) 
np.array_equal(rej_mask1, rej_mask2)
(3, 22249)


如果不使用Cython或Nuba进行并行化,在坚持使用Python/Numpy的同时,有没有更快的方法来实现这一点?我有约24 GB的可分配内存与机器在这个时间使用


[Update 2]基于这些评论,为了明确两次测试之间被拒绝的像素数和关于第三维的while循环总数没有差异,我在上面的代码中添加了一个计数器(n_outliers),跟踪被剪裁的每个像素堆栈在while循环中的迭代次数。它只是有助于断言,如果在两个测试之间不重新运行随机数据生成(否则,您只会得到具有不同大小的新异常值集的不同数据),那么对于被拒绝的像素,代码的行为是相同的。此外,我检查np.array_equal(rej_mask1, rej_mask2)是否确实是True

[Update 3]使用Update 2中添加的输出,我们确实可以在第二次测试中确定处理量远小于第一次测试:

nloops_per_row = np.array([len(nouts) for nouts in nout_rows])

from collections import Counter

Counter({2: 988, 3: 36})



这可能并不优雅;这是一个矢量化的版本,在坚持Numpy的同时速度要快得多。(i) 它在2D中重塑立方体,(ii)它将剪切的第一个过程与其他过程分开,因此我们不需要在第一个过程中使用nanmedian()nanstd(),因为它们比median()std()慢,(iii)在其他过程中,它只加载和处理具有异常值的行,而不处理所有的行,不管它们的内容如何

def sigma_clip2(datacube):
    # Make a 1st pass while there's no need to consider NaN-flagged arrays 
    # as median() and std() are faster than nanmedian() and nanstd(). 
    sz = datacube.shape
    flatc = datacube.reshape([sz[0]*sz[1], sz[2]])
    rej_mask = np.zeros(flatc.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    m = np.median(flatc, axis=1)
    sigma = np.std(flatc, axis=1)
    mask = np.abs(flatc - m[:,np.newaxis]) > 5*sigma[:,np.newaxis]
    n = mask.sum()
    if n == 0:
        return rej_mask
    # Prepare new passes only on the rows that have outliers. 
    clip_rows = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=1))[0]
    mask = mask[clip_rows, :]
    rej_mask[clip_rows, :] = mask
    while n > 0:
        # Work only on the rows that have outliers. Flag them as NaN      
        flatc = flatc[clip_rows, :]
        flatc[mask] = np.nan
        m = np.nanmedian(flatc, axis=1)
        sigma = np.nanstd(flatc, axis=1)
        mask = np.abs(flatc - m[:,np.newaxis]) > 5*sigma[:,np.newaxis]
        clip_rows0 = clip_rows.copy()
        clip_rows = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=1))[0]
        mask = mask[clip_rows, :]
        n = mask.sum()
        rej_mask[clip_rows0[clip_rows]] = rej_mask[clip_rows0[clip_rows]] | mask
    rej_mask = rej_mask.reshape(sz)
    return rej_mask


慢速矢量化(第1版):24 s ± 120 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

for循环(版本2)12 s ± 51.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

更快的矢量化(第3版):3.82 s ± 46.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)


[Update 5]-解决方案1中的错误及其修复

执行以下操作时,输出拒绝掩码rej_mask中的索引未正确映射:clip_rows0 = clip_rows.copy()。如果我们只有两个过程,这是可行的,但是如果while循环第二次迭代,这是错误的(随机数据生成器进行了1或2次迭代,所以这是一个误导性的巧合,所有解的输出都是相等的)。更改为clip_rows0 = clip_rows0[clip_rows]将提供预期的映射。这对上述性能比较没有影响。解决方案1[固定]如下

def sigma_clip2(datacube):
    # Make a 1st pass while there's no need to consider NaN-flagged arrays 
    # as median() and std() are faster than nanmedian() and nanstd(). 
    sz = datacube.shape
    flatc = datacube.reshape([sz[0]*sz[1], sz[2]])
    rej_mask = np.zeros(flatc.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    m = np.median(flatc, axis=1)
    sigma = np.std(flatc, axis=1)
    mask = np.abs(flatc - m[:,np.newaxis]) > 5*sigma[:,np.newaxis]
    n = mask.sum()
    if n == 0:
        return rej_mask
    # Prepare new passes only on the rows that have outliers. 
    clip_rows = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=1))[0]
    clip_rows0 = clip_rows.copy()
    mask = mask[clip_rows, :]
    rej_mask[clip_rows, :] = mask
    while n > 0:
        # Work only on the rows that have outliers. Flag them as NaN      
        flatc = flatc[clip_rows, :]
        flatc[mask] = np.nan
        m = np.nanmedian(flatc, axis=1)
        sigma = np.nanstd(flatc, axis=1)
        mask = np.abs(flatc - m[:,np.newaxis]) > 5*sigma[:,np.newaxis]
        clip_rows = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=1))[0]
        mask = mask[clip_rows, :]
        n = mask.sum()
        # Map back to original indices of the original array
        clip_rows0 = clip_rows0[clip_rows]
        rej_mask[clip_rows0] = rej_mask[clip_rows0] | mask     
    rej_mask = rej_mask.reshape(sz)
    return rej_mask

Tags: forsizeclipnpmaskmeansigmarows