
2024-09-30 16:29:38 发布

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import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['filename'] = ['118_3.JPG', '118_3.JPG', '118_3.JPG', '118_3.JPG', '118_3.JPG', '15_7.JPG', '15_7.JPG', '15_7.JPG', '15_7.JPG', '15_7.JPG','203_4.JPG', '203_4.JPG', '203_4.JPG', '203_4.JPG', '203_4.JPG']
df['cvxh_len'] = [100, 200, 3000, 2800, 29, 200, 400, 2, 1, 0, 5000, 6000, 9000, 11000, 15000]
df['date'] = ["2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17", "2018-12-18", "2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17", "2018-12-18", "2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17", "2018-12-18" ]
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"])


filename    cvxh_len    date
118_3.JPG   100         2018-12-14
118_3.JPG   200         2018-12-15
118_3.JPG   3000        2018-12-16
118_3.JPG   2800        2018-12-17
118_3.JPG   29          2018-12-18
15_7.JPG    200         2018-12-14
15_7.JPG    400         2018-12-15
15_7.JPG    2           2018-12-16
15_7.JPG    1           2018-12-17
15_7.JPG    0           2018-12-18
203_4.JPG   5000        2018-12-14
203_4.JPG   6000        2018-12-15
203_4.JPG   9000        2018-12-16
203_4.JPG   11000       2018-12-17
203_4.JPG   15000       2018-12-18


filename    cvxh_len    date
118_3.JPG   100         2018-12-14
118_3.JPG   200         2018-12-15
118_3.JPG   3000        2018-12-16
15_7.JPG    200         2018-12-14
15_7.JPG    400         2018-12-15
203_4.JPG   5000        2018-12-14
203_4.JPG   6000        2018-12-15
203_4.JPG   9000        2018-12-16
203_4.JPG   11000       2018-12-17
203_4.JPG   15000       2018-12-18

Tags: to数据importdataframepandasdfdatetimedate


CheckList=["cvxh_len"]                                                  #Can add as many variables as needed

#If this is not the case we have to remove the row
for i in list(df['filename'].unique()):                                 #for every unique filename
  df2 = pd.DataFrame()                                                  #We create a new df
  for index, row in df.iterrows():                                      #We need to fill this df with the other
    if row["filename"] == i:                                            #Find all filenames that match unique
      df2 = pd.concat([df2, row.to_frame().T], ignore_index=True)       #Add series to dataframe
      df2.sort_values(by = 'date') 
  for idx, r in df2.iterrows():                                         #For every item in new df iterate
    for M in list(range(len(df2))):                                     #To check earlier dates we need to find length 
      for h in CheckList:                                               #Variables to check
        if int(idx-M) in list(range(len(df2))):                         #Check if the item exists we are checking
            if int(df2.loc[[idx]][h]) < int(df2.loc[[idx-int(M)]][h]):  #If value was lower on earlier timepoint
              df.loc[df2.loc[[idx]]["index"], h]=np.nan                 #We have to replace it with NaN 
          except ValueError:                                            #We need except statement because
            pass                                                        #Some values might be NaN beforehand and can not be subtracted

    filename    cvxh_len    date
0   118_3.JPG   100.0       2018-12-14
1   118_3.JPG   200.0       2018-12-15
2   118_3.JPG   3000.0      2018-12-16
3   118_3.JPG   NaN         2018-12-17
4   118_3.JPG   NaN         2018-12-18
5   15_7.JPG    200.0       2018-12-14
6   15_7.JPG    400.0       2018-12-15
7   15_7.JPG    NaN         2018-12-16
8   15_7.JPG    NaN         2018-12-17
9   15_7.JPG    NaN         2018-12-18
10  203_4.JPG   5000.0      2018-12-14
11  203_4.JPG   6000.0      2018-12-15
12  203_4.JPG   9000.0      2018-12-16
13  203_4.JPG   11000.0     2018-12-17
14  203_4.JPG   15000.0     2018-12-18


df.loc[df.cvxh_len.diff().fillna(0) >= 0]

解释: 取不想减小的变量的微分。 如果该值小于0,则为递减


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