
2024-06-26 10:14:08 发布

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我试图找到一条手绘线的两个端点 我写了这个片段,找到了轮廓, 但终点并不正确:

img = cv2.imread("my_img.jpeg")

img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# Binary Threshold:
_, thr_img = cv2.threshold(img_gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

cv2.imshow(winname="after threshold", mat=thr_img)

contours, _ = cv2.findContours(image=thr_img, mode=cv2.RETR_TREE, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

for idx, cnt in enumerate(contours):
    print("Contour #", idx)
    cv2.drawContours(image=img, contours=[cnt], contourIdx=0, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=3)
    cv2.circle(img, tuple(cnt[0][0]), 5, (255, 255, 0), 5) # Result in wrong result
    cv2.circle(img, tuple(cnt[-1][0]), 5, (0, 0, 255), 5)  # Result in wrong result
    cv2.imshow(winname="contour" + str(idx), mat=img)


enter image description here



Tags: inimageimgthresholdcv2imshowmatidx


想法很简单,在细化后,计算相邻像素(8连接性)if neighbours count equals 1 > the point is an end point


def get_end_pnts(pnts, img):
    extremes = []    
    for p in pnts:
        x = p[0]
        y = p[1]
        n = 0        
        n += img[y - 1,x]
        n += img[y - 1,x - 1]
        n += img[y - 1,x + 1]
        n += img[y,x - 1]    
        n += img[y,x + 1]    
        n += img[y + 1,x]    
        n += img[y + 1,x - 1]
        n += img[y + 1,x + 1]
        n /= 255        
        if n == 1:
    return extremes


img = cv2.imread(p, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
img = cv2.threshold(img, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU + cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
img = cv2.ximgproc.thinning(img)
pnts = cv2.findNonZero(img)
pnts = np.squeeze(pnts)
ext = get_end_pnts(pnts, img)
for p in ext:
    cv2.circle(img, (p[0], p[1]), 5, 128)

输出: enter image description here

编辑:您可能有兴趣访问我对this similar question的答案。它有一些额外的功能,它检测端点和连接器点以及

此解决方案使用this approach的Python实现。其思想是使用一个特殊的内核来卷积图像,该内核标识一行中的起点/终点。以下是步骤:

  1. 调整图像大小稍微调整一下,因为图像太大了
  2. 将图像转换为灰度
  3. 获取骨架
  4. 将骨架与端点内核进行卷积
  5. 获取端点的坐标


  1. 识别可能的重复点
  2. 连接重复的点
  3. 计算终点


# imports:
import cv2
import numpy as np

# image path
path = "D://opencvImages//"
fileName = "hJVBX.jpg"

# Reading an image in default mode:
inputImage = cv2.imread(path + fileName)

# Resize image:
scalePercent = 50  # percent of original size
width = int(inputImage.shape[1] * scalePercent / 100)
height = int(inputImage.shape[0] * scalePercent / 100)

# New dimensions:
dim = (width, height)

# resize image
resizedImage = cv2.resize(inputImage, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

# Color conversion
grayscaleImage = cv2.cvtColor(resizedImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
grayscaleImage = 255 - grayscaleImage

到目前为止,我已经调整了图像的大小(到原始比例的0.5),并将其转换为灰度(实际上是一个反转的二值图像)。现在,检测端点的第一步是将线width规范化为1 pixel。这是通过计算skeleton来实现的,可以使用OpenCV的扩展图像处理模块来实现:

# Compute the skeleton:
skeleton = cv2.ximgproc.thinning(grayscaleImage, None, 1)



# Threshold the image so that white pixels get a value of 0 and
# black pixels a value of 10:
_, binaryImage = cv2.threshold(skeleton, 128, 10, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

# Set the end-points kernel:
h = np.array([[1, 1, 1],
              [1, 10, 1],
              [1, 1, 1]])

# Convolve the image with the kernel:
imgFiltered = cv2.filter2D(binaryImage, -1, h)

# Extract only the end-points pixels, those with
# an intensity value of 110:
endPointsMask = np.where(imgFiltered == 110, 255, 0)

# The above operation converted the image to 32-bit float,
# convert back to 8-bit uint
endPointsMask = endPointsMask.astype(np.uint8)


但是,请注意,这些是端点,如果它们太近,则可以连接一些点。现在是重复消除步骤。让我们首先定义检查点是否重复的标准。如果点太近,我们将加入他们。让我们提出一种基于形态学的点接近方法。我将用大小为33rectangular kernel迭代来扩展端点掩码。如果两个或多个点太近,它们的膨胀将产生一个大的、独特的斑点:

# RGB copy of this:
rgbMask = endPointsMask.copy()
rgbMask = cv2.cvtColor(rgbMask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

# Create a copy of the mask for points processing:
groupsMask = endPointsMask.copy()

# Set kernel (structuring element) size:
kernelSize = 3
# Set operation iterations:
opIterations = 3
# Get the structuring element:
maxKernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (kernelSize, kernelSize))
# Perform dilate:
groupsMask = cv2.morphologyEx(groupsMask, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, maxKernel, None, None, opIterations, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT101)



# Set the centroids Dictionary:
centroidsDictionary = {}

# Get centroids on the end points mask:
totalComponents, output, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(endPointsMask, connectivity=8)

# Count the blob labels with this:
labelCounter = 1

# Loop through the centroids, skipping the background (0):
for c in range(1, len(centroids), 1):

    # Get the current centroids:
    cx = int(centroids[c][0])
    cy = int(centroids[c][1])

    # Get the pixel value on the groups mask:
    pixelValue = groupsMask[cy, cx]

    # If new value (255) there's no entry in the dictionary
    # Process a new key and value:
    if pixelValue == 255:

        # New key and values-> Centroid and Point Count:
        centroidsDictionary[labelCounter] = (cx, cy, 1)

        # Flood fill at centroid:
        cv2.floodFill(groupsMask, mask=None, seedPoint=(cx, cy), newVal=labelCounter)
        labelCounter += 1

    # Else, the label already exists and we must accumulate the
    # centroid and its count:

        # Get Value:
        (accumCx, accumCy, blobCount) = centroidsDictionary[pixelValue]

        # Accumulate value:
        accumCx = accumCx + cx
        accumCy = accumCy + cy
        blobCount += 1

        # Update dictionary entry:
        centroidsDictionary[pixelValue] = (accumCx, accumCy, blobCount)




# Loop trough the dictionary and get the final centroid values:
for k in centroidsDictionary:
    # Get the value of the current key:
    (cx, cy, count) = centroidsDictionary[k]
    # Process combined points:
    if count != 1:
        cx = int(cx/count)
        cy = int(cy/count)
    # Draw circle at the centroid
    cv2.circle(resizedImage, (cx, cy), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)

cv2.imshow("Final Centroids", resizedImage)



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