
2024-10-02 10:21:51 发布

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  import pandas as pd
  import numpy as np
  df = pd.DataFrame(
          'Event_name': ['First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth', 'Fifth', 'Sixth', 'Seventh', 'Eigth', 'Ninth', 'Tenth'],
          'Event_Ids': ['QXT364', 'YKD306', 'GJJ60', 'RSK547', 'GNN259', 'DKW368', 'OAN385', 'PGF213', 'NGJ285', 'OLG594'],
          'Previous_Event_Ids': [np.nan,'QXT364', 'YKD306', 'GJJ60', 'RSK547', 'GNN259', 'DKW368', 'OAN385', 'PGF213', 'NGJ285']
df = df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)


     Event_name Event_Ids Previous_Event_Ids
0     Fourth    RSK547              GJJ60
1      Eigth    PGF213             OAN385
2      First    QXT364                NaN
3      Third     GJJ60             YKD306
4      Fifth    GNN259             RSK547
5      Sixth    DKW368             GNN259
6    Seventh    OAN385             DKW368
7      Ninth    NGJ285             PGF213
8     Second    YKD306             QXT364
9      Tenth    OLG594             NGJ285


  Event_name Event_Ids Previous_Event_Ids
0      First    QXT364                NaN
1     Second    YKD306             QXT364
2      Third     GJJ60             YKD306
3     Fourth    RSK547              GJJ60
4      Fifth    GNN259             RSK547
5      Sixth    DKW368             GNN259
6    Seventh    OAN385             DKW368
7      Eigth    PGF213             OAN385
8      Ninth    NGJ285             PGF213
9      Tenth    OLG594             NGJ285

Tags: nameeventididsdf事件gnn259rsk547


# Step 1: Initialize the dictionary
var_map = dict.fromkeys(df.index.values)

# Step 2: Find our start value, NaN
nanLoc,_ = np.where(df.isna())

# Step 3: Put NaN in the first slot of the dictionary
var_map[0] = df.loc[nanLoc].values.tolist()[0]

# Step 4: Iterate through the dataframe
for x in df.index.values[:-1]:
    key = var_map[x][1]
    var_map[x+1] = df.loc[df['Previous_Event_Ids'] == key].values.tolist()[0]

#Step 5: Turn the dictionary into a DataFrame
df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(var_map, orient='index', columns=['Event_name', 'Event_Ids', 'Previous_Event_Ids'])


In [301]: vars_map = {'First': 1, 'Second': 2, 'Third': 3, 'Fourth':4, 'Fifth':5, 'Sixth':6, 'Seventh': 7, 'Eigth':8, 'Ninth':9, 'Tenth':10}

In [305]: df1 = df.assign(vals=df.Event_name.map(vars_map)).sort_values('vals').drop('vals', 1)

In [306]: df1
  Event_name Event_Ids Previous_Event_Ids
1      First    QXT364                NaN
3     Second    YKD306             QXT364
5      Third     GJJ60             YKD306
7     Fourth    RSK547              GJJ60
9      Fifth    GNN259             RSK547
2      Sixth    DKW368             GNN259
8    Seventh    OAN385             DKW368
0      Eigth    PGF213             OAN385
6      Ninth    NGJ285             PGF213
4      Tenth    OLG594             NGJ285

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