
2024-07-04 08:00:27 发布

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caloriesPerMeal = int(input('Enter calories eaten per meal: '))


keepGoing = input('Do you want to enter another meal? (Enter yes or no) ')


keepGoing = 'yes'
totalCalories = 0
#Calories per Day
maxCaloriesPerDay = int(input('How many calories per day would you like to consume? '))
while keepGoing == 'yes':
    #Get number of calories per meal
    caloriesPerMeal = int(input('Enter calories eaten per meal: '))
    totalCalories += totalCalories + caloriesPerMeal
#See if user wants to input another meal
    keepGoing = input('Do you want to enter another meal? (Enter yes or no) ')
#Calculate calories under/over per day
if totalCalories >= maxCaloriesPerDay:
    print('You are', maxCaloriesPerDay - totalCalories, 'calories over your maximum calories per 
elif totalCalories <= maxCaloriesPerDay:
     print('You are', maxCaloriesPerDay - totalCalories, 'calories under your maximum calories per 
day. ')

Tags: to代码youinputyesintenterday
keepGoing = 'yes'
totalCalories = 0
#Calories per Day
maxCaloriesPerDay = int(input('How many calories per day would you like to consume? '))
while keepGoing == 'yes':
    #Get number of calories per meal
    caloriesPerMeal = int(input('Enter calories eaten per meal: '))
    totalCalories += caloriesPerMeal
#See if user wants to input another meal
    keepGoing = input('Do you want to enter another meal? (Enter yes or no) ')
#Calculate calories under/over per day
if totalCalories >= maxCaloriesPerDay:
    print('You are', maxCaloriesPerDay - totalCalories, 'calories over your maximum calories per day.')
elif totalCalories <= maxCaloriesPerDay:
     print('You are', maxCaloriesPerDay - totalCalories, 'calories under your maximum calories per day. ')


totalCalories = totalCalories + caloriesPerMeal


totalCalories += caloriesPerMeal

因为说totalCalories += totalCalories + caloriesPerMeal意味着 totalCalories = 2*totalCalories + caloriesPerMeal

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