
2024-06-26 10:37:57 发布

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我想将两个图像合并为一个matplotlib.pyplot表示,其中像素的颜色由第一个图像中的值给出(例如,使用matplotlib中的“jet”等颜色贴图),像素的强度由第二个图像中的值给出。理想情况下,我还希望为颜色(存储在第一幅图像中的寿命值的jet colormap)和强度(存储在第二幅图像中的强度值的灰度colormap)设置颜色条。您能告诉我如何在Python中实现这一点吗?下面你可以看到一个例子,我想实现,获得了商业软件

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Tags: 对象图像区域属性matplotlib颜色像素特性


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) # This creates the figure. 
im1 = plt.imshow(intensity_image, cmap='gray') # This shows the first image as a grayscale image.
plt.axis('off') # This removes the axes around the image.
plt.clim(200,800) # This clips the values within the first image to the 200-800 range. It affects the values of the colorbar.
plt.colorbar(shrink=0.3, aspect=5.0) # This draws a colorbar that 0.3x the size of the image and is a little bit thicker (aspect=5.0) than the default one.
im2 = plt.imshow(flim_image, cmap='jet', alpha=0.5) # This shows the second image using a 'jet' colorspace.
plt.axis('off') # Removes the image axes.
plt.clim(2.0,3.0) # Clips the image values to the range 2.0-3.0.
plt.colorbar(shrink=0.3, aspect=5.0) # Draws the colorbar for the second image. 
plt.show() # Shows the figure.

enter image description here

我猜您正在寻找一个假彩色图像表示。 虽然我不确定matplotlib是否是实现这一点的理想方式,但是here is a post in how to do this with ^{}。它获取整个图像(包括颜色条),并将灰度图像转换为彩色RGB图像


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