如何使用scipy.stats.norm.CDF和matplotlib获得sigmodal CDF曲线?

2024-10-09 20:19:57 发布

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import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

siz = 1000
rg = default_rng( 12345 )
a = rg.random(size=siz)
rg = default_rng( 12345 )
b = norm.rvs(size=siz, random_state=rg)
c = norm.cdf(b)

print( 'a = ', a)
print( 'b = ', b)
print( 'c = ', c)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1)
acount, abins, aignored = ax[0].hist( a, bins=20, histtype='bar', label='a', color='C0' )
bcount, bbins, bignored = ax[1].hist( b, bins=20, histtype='bar', label='b', color='C1' )
ccount, cbins, cignored = ax[2].hist( c, bins=20, histtype='bar', label='c', color='C2' )
print( 'acount, abins, aignored = ', acount, abins, aignored)
print( 'bcount, bbins, bignored = ', bcount, bbins, bignored)
print( 'ccount, cbins, cignored = ', ccount, cbins, cignored)

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Tags: importdefaultnormpltrandomaxhistrg

您正在绘制错误的值。 当你做b = norm.rvs(size=siz, random_state=rg)时,你得到的是从标准正态分布中独立抽取的10个随机样本,即z


norm.cdf返回给定z值处的cfd值。如果需要cdf的曲线,可以从-3到3 z值均匀绘制,并在所有点上获得其cdf值。然后绘制输出概率值





import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

mu = 0
sigma = 1
samples = 1000

rg = default_rng( 12345 )
a = rg.random(size=samples) #Get a  uniform distribution of numbers in the range of 0 to 1.
print( 'a = ', a)

# Get pdf and cdf values using normal random variates. 
rg = default_rng( 12345 ) #Recreate Bit Generator to ensure a same starting point  
b_pdf = norm.rvs( loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=samples, random_state=rg ) #Get pdf of normal distribution(mu=0, sigma=1 gives -3.26 to +3.26).
b_cdf = norm.cdf( b_pdf, loc=mu, scale=sigma ) #get cdf of normal distribution using pdf values (always gives between 0 to 1).
print( 'b_pdf = ', b_pdf)
print( 'b_cdf = ', b_cdf)

#To check b is normally distributed. Using the ordered x (commonly practiced): 
c_x = np.linspace( mu - 3.26*sigma, mu + 3.26*sigma, samples )
c_pdf = norm.pdf( c_x, loc=mu, scale=sigma )
c_cdf = norm.cdf( c_x, loc=mu, scale=sigma  )
print( 'c_x = ', c_x )
print( 'c_pdf = ', c_pdf )
print( 'c_cdf = ', c_cdf )

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1)
bins=np.linspace( 0, 1, num=10 )
acount, abins, aignored = ax[0].hist( a, bins=50, histtype='bar', label='a', color='C0', alpha=0.2, density=True  )
bcount, bbins, bignored = ax[0].hist( b_cdf, bins=50, histtype='bar', label='b_cdf', color='C1', alpha=0.2, density=True )
ccount, cbins, cignored = ax[0].hist( c_cdf, bins=50, histtype='bar', label='c_cdf', color='C2', alpha=0.2, density=True )

bcount, bbins, bignored = ax[1].hist( b_pdf, bins=20, histtype='bar', label='b_pdf', color='C1', alpha=0.4, density=True  )
cpdf_line = ax[1].plot(c_x, c_pdf, label='c_pdf', color='C2')

bpdf_bar = ax[2].bar( b_pdf, b_cdf, label='b_cdf', color='C1', alpha=0.4, width=0.01)
ccdf_line = ax[2].plot(c_x, c_cdf, label='c_cdf', color='C2')
print( 'acount, abins, aignored = ', acount, abins, aignored)
print( 'bcount, bbins, bignored = ', bcount, bbins, bignored)
print( 'ccount, cbins, cignored = ', ccount, cbins, cignored)

ax[0].legend(loc='upper left')
ax[1].legend(loc='upper left')
ax[2].legend(loc='upper left')


现在我不知道你的具体用途。但我认为问题在于,你正在为一些正态分布的随机数创建cdf的值。 下面您可以看到一个代码示例,该示例绘制了从-3到+3的标准法线的CDF

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1)
c = norm.cdf(x)

plt.plot(x, c)


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