
2024-06-28 10:47:54 发布

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对于pred,我给出(1,NumberofClass,w,h) 对于labes,我给出(1,w,h) 对于C,我给出了类的编号,并将ignore定义为一个列表(ignore=[0])

def iou(preds, labels, C, EMPTY=1., ignore=None, per_image=False):
Array of IoU for each (non ignored) class
if not per_image:
    preds, labels = (preds,), (labels,)
ious = []
for pred, label in zip(preds, labels):
    iou = []
    for i in range(C):
        if i != ignore:
            intersection = ((label == i) & (pred == i)).sum()
            union = ((label == i) | ((pred == i) & (label != ignore))).sum()
            if not union:
                iou.append(float(intersection) / float(union))
ious = [mean(iou) for iou in zip(*ious)]  # mean across images if per_image
return 100 * np.array(ious)

def mean(l, ignore_nan=False, empty=0):
nanmean compatible with generators.
l = iter(l)
if ignore_nan:
    l = ifilterfalse(isnan, l)
    n = 1
    acc = next(l)
except StopIteration:
    if empty == 'raise':
        raise ValueError('Empty mean')
    return empty
for n, v in enumerate(l, 2):
    acc += v
if n == 1:
    return acc
return acc / n

当我运行代码时,我的输出就是这样。我还注意到我的交点始终为0。 谁能找到更好的解决办法。这将非常有帮助

loss = [100. 0. 0. 100. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 100. 0. 0. 100. 0. 0.]

Tags: inforlabelsreturnifmeanlabelacc