
2024-10-03 04:35:49 发布

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% Matlab code
wavelength = 10
orientation = 45
image = imread('filename.tif') % grayscale image
[mag,phase] = imgaborfilt(image, wavelength, orientation)
gabor_im = mag .* sin(phase)

不幸的是,我没有许可证,无法运行代码。而且,official Matlab documentation of imgaborfilt并没有精确地指定函数的作用


我发现this question,在C++中使用OpenCV来解决这个问题。我假设函数以非常相似的方式工作(也请注意official C++ documentation)。但是,它们还有一些附加参数如何找出matlab函数在重现行为方面的真正作用

# python 3.6
import numpy as np
import cv2

wavelength = 10
orientation = 45
shape = (500, 400)  # arbitrary values to get running example code...
sigma = 100  # what to put for Matlab behaviour?
gamma = 1  # what to put for Matlab behaviour?
gabor_filter = cv2.getGaborKernel(shape, sigma, orientation, wavelength, gamma)
print(gabor_filter.shape)  # =(401, 501). Why flipped?

image = np.random.random(shape)  # create some random data.
out_buffer = np.zeros(shape)

destination_depth = -1  # like dtype for filter2D. Apparantly, -1="same as input".
thing = cv2.filter2D(image, destination_depth, gabor_filter, out_buffer)
print(out_buffer.shape, out_buffer.dtype, out_buffer.max())  # =(500, 400) float64 65.2..
print(thing.shape, thing.dtype, thing.max())  # =(500, 400) float64 65.2..


在收到Cris Luengo的伟大答案后,我使用它制作了两个函数,分别使用OpenCV和scikit image(希望)重现MATLAB imgaborfit函数的行为。我把它们包括在这里。请注意,scikit实现比OpenCV慢得多


  • 你能精确到什么程度 OpenCV解和MATLAB解的结果是否一致
  • 对于不想使用OpenCV的人,我还提供了一个scikit图像解决方案 在这里我 找到了一些参数,使得震级几乎相等。但是,scikit映像解决方案的阶段似乎与OpenCV解决方案不同。为什么会这样
import numpy as np
import math
import cv2

def gaborfilt_OpenCV_likeMATLAB(image, wavelength, orientation, SpatialFrequencyBandwidth=1, SpatialAspectRatio=0.5):
    """Reproduces (to what accuracy in what MATLAB version??? todo TEST THIS!) the behaviour of MATLAB imgaborfilt function using OpenCV."""

    orientation = -orientation / 180 * math.pi # for OpenCV need radian, and runs in opposite direction
    sigma = 0.5 * wavelength * SpatialFrequencyBandwidth
    gamma = SpatialAspectRatio
    shape = 1 + 2 * math.ceil(4 * sigma)  # smaller cutoff is possible for speed
    shape = (shape, shape)
    gabor_filter_real = cv2.getGaborKernel(shape, sigma, orientation, wavelength, gamma, psi=0)
    gabor_filter_imag = cv2.getGaborKernel(shape, sigma, orientation, wavelength, gamma, psi=math.pi / 2)
    filtered_image = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, gabor_filter_real) + 1j * cv2.filter2D(image, -1, gabor_filter_imag)
    mag = np.abs(filtered_image)
    phase = np.angle(filtered_image)
    return mag, phase
import numpy as np
import math
from skimage.filters import gabor

def gaborfilt_skimage_likeMATLAB(image, wavelength, orientation, SpatialFrequencyBandwidth=1, SpatialAspectRatio=0.5):
    """TODO (does not quite) reproduce the behaviour of MATLAB imgaborfilt function using skimage."""
    sigma = 0.5 * wavelength * SpatialFrequencyBandwidth
    filtered_image_re, filtered_image_im = gabor(
        image, frequency=1 / wavelength, theta=-orientation / 180 * math.pi,
        sigma_x=sigma, sigma_y=sigma/SpatialAspectRatio, n_stds=5,
    full_image = filtered_image_re + 1j * filtered_image_im
    mag = np.abs(full_image)
    phase = np.angle(full_image)
    return mag, phase


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def show(im, title=""):
    plt.title(f"{title}: dtype={im.dtype}, shape={im.shape},\n max={im.max():.3e}, min= {im.min():.3e}")

image = np.zeros((400, 400))
image[200, 200] = 1  # a delta impulse image to visualize the filtering kernel
wavelength = 10
orientation = 33  # in degrees (for MATLAB)

mag_cv, phase_cv = gaborfilt_OpenCV_likeMATLAB(image, wavelength, orientation)
show(mag_cv, "mag")  # normalized by maximum, non-zero noise even outside filter window region
show(phase_cv, "phase")  # all over the place

mag_sk, phase_sk = gaborfilt_skimage_likeMATLAB(image, wavelength, orientation)
show(mag_sk, "mag skimage")  # small values, zero outside filter region
show(phase_sk, "phase skimage")  # and hence non-zero only inside filter window region

show(mag_cv - mag_sk/mag_sk.max(), "cv - normalized(sk)")  # approximately zero-image.
show(phase_sk - phase_cv, "phase_sk - phase_cv") # phases do not agree at all! Not even in the window region!

Tags: imageimportnpgaborfiltercv2opencvsigma
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-03 04:35:49



Gabor滤波器是一个复数滤波器,例如可以从OpenCV文档链接到的同一个Wikipedia page中学习到。因此,将其应用于图像的结果也是复杂的。MATLAB正确地返回复数结果的幅度和相位,而不是复数图像本身,因为它主要是感兴趣的幅度。Gabor滤波器的大小指示图像的哪些部分具有给定波长和方向的频率


image and result of a Gabor filter



image = zeros(64,64); 
image(33,33) = 1;     % a delta impulse image to visualize the filtering kernel

wavelength = 10;
orientation = 30; # in degrees
[mag,phase] = imgaborfilt(image, wavelength, orientation);
% defaults: 'SpatialFrequencyBandwidth'=1; 'SpatialAspectRatio'=0.5


import cv2
import numpy as np
import math

image = np.zeros((64, 64))
image[32, 32] = 1          # a delta impulse image to visualize the filtering kernel

wavelength = 10
orientation = -30 / 180 * math.pi    # in radian, and seems to run in opposite direction
sigma = 0.5 * wavelength * 1         # 1 == SpatialFrequencyBandwidth
gamma = 0.5                          # SpatialAspectRatio
shape = 1 + 2 * math.ceil(4 * sigma) # smaller cutoff is possible for speed
shape = (shape, shape)
gabor_filter_real = cv2.getGaborKernel(shape, sigma, orientation, wavelength, gamma, psi=0)
gabor_filter_imag = cv2.getGaborKernel(shape, sigma, orientation, wavelength, gamma, psi=math.pi/2)

gabor = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, gabor_filter_real) + 1j * cv2.filter2D(image, -1, gabor_filter_imag)
mag = np.abs(gabor)
phase = np.angle(gabor)



gabor_im = mag .* sin(phase)


gabor_im = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, gabor_filter_imag)

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