
2024-06-26 13:38:14 发布

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我发现可以修改一些EoN方法:Modified SIR model


import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import EoN
from collections import defaultdict

# parameters required for the SIRS model
a = 0.1
b = 0.01
y = 0.001
d = 0.001

# Simple contagions
# the below is based on an example of a SEIR disease (there is an exposed state before becoming infectious)
# from

Gnp = nx.gnp_random_graph(500, 0.005)

H = nx.DiGraph() #For the spontaneous transitions
H.add_edge('I', 'R', rate = b)  # an infected node can be recovered/removed
H.add_edge('I', 'S', rate = y)  # an infected node can become susceptible again
H.add_edge('R', 'S', rate = d)  # a recovered node can become suscepticle again

J = nx.DiGraph() #for the induced transitions
J.add_edge(('I', 'S'),('I', 'I'), rate = a)  # a susceptible node can become infected from a neighbour
IC = defaultdict(lambda: 'S')

# set all statuses except one to susceptible. only one node shall begin infected
for node in range(500):
    IC[node] = 'S'
IC[0] = 'I'

return_statuses = ('S', 'I', 'R')
print('doing Gillespie simulation')

t, S, I, R = EoN.Gillespie_simple_contagion(Gnp, H, J, IC, return_statuses, tmax = 500)

print('done with simulation, now plotting')
plt.plot(t, S, label = 'Susceptible')
plt.plot(t, I, label = 'Infected')
plt.plot(t, R, label = 'Recovered')
plt.ylabel('Number of nodes')

Tags: theimportanaddnoderatepltcan




虽然我没有在这里使用它,但您可能想知道,EoN附带了允许您animate the simulation的工具

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import EoN
from collections import defaultdict

a = 0.1
b = 0.01
y = 0.001
d = 0.001
to_isolation_rate = 0.05
from_isolation_rate = 1

# Simple contagions
# the below is based on an example of a SEIR disease (there is an exposed state before becoming infectious)
# from

Gnp = nx.gnp_random_graph(500, 0.005)

H = nx.DiGraph() #For the spontaneous transitions
H.add_edge('I', 'R', rate = b)  # an infected node can be recovered/removed
H.add_edge('I', 'S', rate = y)  # an infected node can become susceptible again
H.add_edge('R', 'S', rate = d)  # a recovered node can become suscepticle again
H.add_edge('S', 'X', rate = to_isolation_rate)
H.add_edge('X', 'S', rate = from_isolation_rate)

J = nx.DiGraph() #for the induced transitions
J.add_edge(('I', 'S'),('I', 'I'), rate = a)  # a susceptible node can become infected from a neighbour
IC = defaultdict(lambda: 'S')

IC[0] = 'I'

return_statuses = ('S', 'I', 'R', 'X')
print('doing Gillespie simulation')

t, S, I, R, X = EoN.Gillespie_simple_contagion(Gnp, H, J, IC, return_statuses, tmax = 500)

print('done with simulation, now plotting')
plt.plot(t, S, label = 'Susceptible')
plt.plot(t, I, label = 'Infected')
plt.plot(t, R, label = 'Recovered')
plt.plot(t, X, label = 'Isolating')
plt.ylabel('Number of nodes')


def SIRS_simulation_with_quarantine(graph, params, tmax):
    a, b, y, d, q = params
    graph_current_timestep = graph.copy()
    graph_previous_timestep = graph.copy()
    Infected_nodes = [x for x in graph_current_timestep.nodes() if graph_current_timestep.nodes[x]['state'][0]=='I']
    S = []
    I = []
    R = []
    T = []
        for node in graph.nodes():
            # initialise random probablilty for that node
            p = np.random.rand()
            # determine neighbours for that node
            neighbors = [n for n in graph_previous_timestep.neighbors(node)]
            # depending on the state, check for any state changes and update node attributes
            if graph_previous_timestep.nodes[node]['state'][0] == 'S':
                if (q >  np.random.rand()):                                             # if the node didnt quarantine...
                    if len(set.intersection(set(neighbors), set(Infected_nodes)))>0:    # if any neighbors are infected...
                        if (p < a):                                                     
                            attrs = {node: {'state': 'I'}}
                            nx.set_node_attributes(graph_current_timestep, attrs)                   
            elif graph_previous_timestep.nodes[node]['state'][0] == 'I':                
                if (p < b):
                    attrs = {node: {'state': 'R'}}
                    nx.set_node_attributes(graph_current_timestep, attrs)                    
                elif (p < y):
                    attrs = {node: {'state': 'S'}}
                    nx.set_node_attributes(graph_current_timestep, attrs)

            elif graph_previous_timestep.nodes[node]['state'][0] == 'R':                
                if (p < d):
                    attrs = {node: {'state': 'S'}}
                    nx.set_node_attributes(graph_current_timestep, attrs)

        # after the changes to states have occured for all nodes, record number of nodes at each state, increment timestep
        Infected_nodes = [x for x in graph_current_timestep.nodes() if graph_current_timestep.nodes[x]['state'][0]=='I']
        S.append(len([x for x in graph_current_timestep.nodes() if graph_current_timestep.nodes[x]['state'][0]=='S']))
        R.append(len([x for x in graph_current_timestep.nodes() if graph_current_timestep.nodes[x]['state'][0]=='R']))
        graph_previous_timestep = graph_current_timestep.copy()
        t = t+1
    return T, S, I, R

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