python opencv根据图像大小调整cv2.putText的文本大小

2024-09-28 17:21:55 发布

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    fontScale = 1
    fontThickness = 1

    # make sure font thickness is an integer, if not, the OpenCV functions that use this may crash
    fontThickness = int(fontThickness)

    upperLeftTextOriginX = int(imageWidth * 0.05)
    upperLeftTextOriginY = int(imageHeight * 0.05)

    textSize, baseline = cv2.getTextSize(resultText, fontFace, fontScale, fontThickness)
    textSizeWidth, textSizeHeight = textSize

    # calculate the lower left origin of the text area based on the text area center, width, and height
    lowerLeftTextOriginX = upperLeftTextOriginX
    lowerLeftTextOriginY = upperLeftTextOriginY + textSizeHeight

    # write the text on the image
    cv2.putText(openCVImage, resultText, (lowerLeftTextOriginX, lowerLeftTextOriginY), fontFace, fontScale, Color,


Tags: thetext图像文本areacv2intfontface


scale = 1 # this value can be from 0 to 1 (0,1] to change the size of the text relative to the image
fontScale = min(imageWidth,imageHeight)/(25/scale)


如果将fontScale = 1用于大小约为1000 x 1000的图像,则此代码应正确缩放字体。在

fontScale = (imageWidth * imageHeight) / (1000 * 1000) # Would work best for almost square images


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