
2024-10-01 15:28:51 发布

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<doc id="ENG_DF_000170_20150219_F0010008Z">
<post id="p10" author="Kosh" datetime="2015-02-19T21:33:00">
<quote orig_author="Luddly Neddite">
<quote orig_author="zeke">
<quote orig_author="Luddly Neddite">
<quote orig_author="occupied">
Don't forget the fucking Moonies.
The Bushes have middle east oil money behind them. They are owned by such as the bin Laden's and Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
That's in addition to the Koch/Adelson openly buying elections.
I think the Repubs have a brilliant strategy by running Bush 3. And Clinton 2.
It will allow the hyper partisans on both sides to make the decision as to who will be president.
Because people like me will just say fuck it to voting. If these two represent the very best that America has to offer in the form of leadership, we are royally and truly fucked.
And I am done voting. Not that my vote means much anyway.
It's being reported that of the 21 people reportedly advising Jeb Bush, 19 are veterans of the first Bush administration, the second Bush administration, or in a few cases, both. 
Some of the more notable names are Secretary of State (James Baker), his brother’s Deputy Defense Secretary (Paul Wolfowitz), his brother’s National Security Adviser (Stephen Hadley), 
a variety of members from his brother’s cabinet (Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff).
So why does the far left care? None of you far left drones will vote for him anyway, so what difference does it make?


我们要找到标签post。然后递归遍历标记quote,并打印<quote> </quote>之间的文本


#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re, sys, io
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os

def search_for_query(path):
  paragraphs = ""
  tree = ET.parse(path)
  root = tree.getroot()
  for i in range(0,len(root)):
    #retrieve data from post
    if root[i].tag == "post":
      #recursively retrieve quote
      quotes = root[i].findall('.//quote')
      for quote in quotes:
         print quote.get("orig_author")
         print quote.text

if __name__ == "__main__": 
  queries_xml = sys.argv[1]



Luddly Neddite


Luddly Neddite


Don't forget the fucking Moonies.

我想我弄错了/ 定义是

Element.findall() finds only elements with a tag which are direct children of the current element


Tags: ofthetoinforxmlpostwill
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-01 15:28:51


def get_text(element):
    return element.text + \
        ''.join(c.tail for c in element.findall('*') if c.tail is not None)


>>> for i in range(0,len(root)):
...     #retrieve data from post
...     if root[i].tag == "post":
...         #recursively retrieve quote
...         quotes = root[i].findall('.//quote')
...         for quote in quotes:
...             print quote.get("orig_author")
...             print get_text(quote)
Luddly Neddite

       It's being reported that of the 21 people reportedly advising Jeb Bush, 19 are veterans of the first Bush administration, the second Bush administration, or in a few cases, both. Some of the more notable names are Secretary of State (James Baker), his brother’s Deputy Defense Secretary (Paul Wolfowitz), his brother’s National Security Adviser (Stephen Hadley), a variety of members from his brother’s cabinet (Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff).


         I think the Repubs have a brilliant strategy by running Bush 3. And Clinton 2. It will allow the hyper partisans on both sides to make the decision as to who will be president. Because people like me will just say fuck it to voting. If these two represent the very best that America has to offer in the form of leadership, we are royally and truly fucked. And I am done voting. Not that my vote means much anyway.

Luddly Neddite

           The Bushes have middle east oil money behind them. They are owned by such as the bin Laden's and Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. That's in addition to the Koch/Adelson openly buying elections.

Don't forget the fucking Moonies.

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