包含4年变量的If else语句,包括知道是哪一年

2024-06-17 04:55:49 发布

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所以问题是: 有1950-2050年,我们有奥运会和足球/足球世界锦标赛。 程序应该能够从这两个变量中分辨出它所基于的是哪一个,以及程序应该如何知道1950-2050年间的情况。 该程序还应该能够告诉什么时候没有比赛,例如2001年。你知道吗


国际奥委会=(年份:1952196196019641968197219761980198419881992199620002004200820122016202042028203220362040204420448) Fifacup=(195019541958196219661970197419781982198619901994199820022006200102014201820222026203020342038204220462050)

也许我可以把这个程序编成一个测验 打印/输入(“1954年举办了哪届锦标赛?是世界杯还是奥运会然后可能有一些随机因素,使它在不同的年份之间随机,当人们键入错误的比赛,然后它说



打印/输入(“写1950-2050年之间的一年:”和人写1982年 然后程序说 国际足联杯 如果错了呢 “错误的杯子”

也许我可以把这两个混合起来? 一些基于事实的程序和测验



import random

Questions = int(input("How many questions do you want?"))

IOC = (1952,1956,1960,1964,1968,1972,1976,1980,1984,1988,1992,1996,2000,2004,2008,2012,2016,2020,2024,2028,2032,2036,2040,2044,2048)

Fifacup =(1950,1954,1958,1962,1966,1970,1974,1978,1982,1986,1990,1994,1998,2002,2006,2010,2014,2018,2022,2026,2030,2034,2038,2042,2046,2050)

IOC = random.randint(1,2050)

Fifacup = random.randint(1,2050)

while True:
Answer = int(input("What is "+str(IOC)+"+"+str(Fifacup)+"? "))
if answer == (IOC+Fifacup):
print ("Very good! Correct")


Tags: 程序input定义错误世界情况randomint
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-17 04:55:49



import random
import sys

In the case the user enters a non valid number we terminate the execution
TODO: ask again if the user doesn't introduce a valid integer
    number_of_questions = int(input('How many questions you want? '))
    if number_of_questions < 1:
        print("The number of questions must be greater than 0!")
except ValueError:
    print("The number of questions must be an integer!")

You can read https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#range to know why you need the + 1 and that 
the range function can take up to 3 arguments: start, stop and step

last_year = 2050 + 1
We use list comprehensions because they are fast and a beautiful way to iterate over things
you can get more info about them here: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#list-comprehensions

We also use tuples insteand of lists, because tuples can't be mutated, and we dont want to change the years
IOC = tuple(year for year in range(1952, last_year, 4))
FIFACUP = tuple(year for year in range(1950, last_year, 4))
TODO: make this part without repeating the same text, and change the "was/will be" dymanically 
if you want to know how you can read about string interpolation or string formatting

IOC_QUESTION = 'In which of this years was/will be the Olympics?'
FIFACUP_QUESTION = 'In which of this years was/will be the FIFA cup?'

answered_questions = 0
# We dont want an infinite bucle, so we will exit the program as soon as the user answered all the questions
while answered_questions < number_of_questions:
    subject = random.randrange(1, 2)  # we generate a number which can be 1 or 2
    if subject == 1:  # if the number is 1, we will ask about the olimpis
        correct_answer = random.choice(IOC)  # we pick a random valid answer
    if subject == 2:  # if the number is 2, we will ask about the fifa cup
        correct_answer = random.choice(FIFACUP)  # we pick a random valid answer
    possible_answers = [
        correct_answer - random.randrange(1, 4),
        correct_answer + random.randrange(1, 4),
        correct_answer]  # we add and substract 1 to 3 years of the correct answer and save them in a tuple
    random.shuffle(possible_answers)  # we then shuffle the possible answers
    # We show the options for the user to pick
    answer = int(input(f'Choose one year in this list {possible_answers}:  '))
    # if the answer was not in the correct answers lists we show an error
    if answer not in possible_answers:
        TODO: use string interpolation to show the answered value and the possibles values and
        ask again instead of exiting the program
        print('You have to choose one of the offered answers!')
    if answer != correct_answer:
        # TODO: string interpolation and the try again
        print("That wasn't the correct answer!")
    if answer == correct_answer:
        print('Congratulations! that was the correct answer')  # TODO: string interpolation
    answered_questions += 1

print("You answered all the questions!")

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