
2024-06-17 17:32:22 发布

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{"quotes":["I could calculate your chance of survival, but you won't like it.","I'd give you advice, but you wouldn't listen. No one ever does.","I ache, therefore I am.","I've seen it. It's rubbish. (About a Magrathean sunset that Arthur finds magnificent)","Not that anyone cares what I say, but the Restaurant is on the other end of the universe.","I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.","My capacity for happiness,\" he added, \"you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first.","Arthur: \"Marvin, any ideas?\" Marvin: \"I have a million ideas. They all point to certain death.\"","\"What's up?\" [asked Ford.] \"I don't know,\" said Marvin, \"I've never been there.\"","Marvin: \"I am at a rough estimate thirty billion times more intelligent than you. Let me give you an example. Think of a number, any number.\" Zem: \"Er, five.\" Marvin: \"Wrong. You see?\"","Zaphod: \"Can it Trillian, I'm trying to die with dignity. Marvin: \"I'm just trying to die.\""]}*




jsonfile = open(INPUT, "r")
jsonobject = json.load(jsonfile)
someString = "\n\"{quotes}\"\n".format(quotes=jsonobject["quotes"])


例如:holder = someString.replace("[\]", '')


Tags: 文件ofthetoyouthatveit


import json
import random
file = open(<path to your file>,'r')
i = json.load(file)
#print a random quote
print i['quotes'][int(random.randrange(0,len(i['quotes'])-1))]



>>> import json
>>> jsondata = r'''{"quotes":["I could calculate your chance of survival, but you won't like it.","I'd give you advice, but you wouldn't listen. No one ever does.","I ache, therefore I am.","I've seen it. It's rubbish. (About a Magrathean sunset that Arthur finds magnificent)","Not that anyone cares what I say, but the Restaurant is on the other end of the universe.","I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.","My capacity for happiness,\" he added, \"you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first.","Arthur: \"Marvin, any ideas?\" Marvin: \"I have a million ideas. They all point to certain death.\"","\"What's up?\" [asked Ford.] \"I don't know,\" said Marvin, \"I've never been there.\"","Marvin: \"I am at a rough estimate thirty billion times more intelligent than you. Let me give you an example. Think of a number, any number.\" Zem: \"Er, five.\" Marvin: \"Wrong. You see?\"","Zaphod: \"Can it Trillian, I'm trying to die with dignity. Marvin: \"I'm just trying to die.\""]}'''
 >>> data = json.loads(jsondata)
 >>> data
 {'quotes': ["I could calculate your chance of survival, but you won't like it.", "I'd give you advice, but you wouldn't listen. No one ever does.", 'I ache, therefore I am.', "I've seen it. It's rubbish. (About a Magrathean sunset that Arthur finds magnificent)", 'Not that anyone cares what I say, but the Restaurant is on the other end of the universe.', "I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.", 'My capacity for happiness," he added, "you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first.', 'Arthur: "Marvin, any ideas?" Marvin: "I have a million ideas. They all point to certain death."', '"What\'s up?" [asked Ford.] "I don\'t know," said Marvin, "I\'ve never been there."', 'Marvin: "I am at a rough estimate thirty billion times more intelligent than you. Let me give you an example. Think of a number, any number." Zem: "Er, five." Marvin: "Wrong. You see?"', 'Zaphod: "Can it Trillian, I\'m trying to die with dignity. Marvin: "I\'m just trying to die."']}
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(data)
{'quotes': ["I could calculate your chance of survival, but you won't like it.",
            "I'd give you advice, but you wouldn't listen. No one ever does.",
            'I ache, therefore I am.',
            "I've seen it. It's rubbish. (About a Magrathean sunset that "
            'Arthur finds magnificent)',
            'Not that anyone cares what I say, but the Restaurant is on the '
            'other end of the universe.',
            "I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.",
            'My capacity for happiness," he added, "you could fit into a '
            'matchbox without taking out the matches first.',
            'Arthur: "Marvin, any ideas?" Marvin: "I have a million ideas. '
            'They all point to certain death."',
            '"What\'s up?" [asked Ford.] "I don\'t know," said Marvin, "I\'ve '
            'never been there."',
            'Marvin: "I am at a rough estimate thirty billion times more '
            'intelligent than you. Let me give you an example. Think of a '
            'number, any number." Zem: "Er, five." Marvin: "Wrong. You see?"',
            'Zaphod: "Can it Trillian, I\'m trying to die with dignity. '
            'Marvin: "I\'m just trying to die."']}
>>> import random
>>> print(random.choice(data['quotes']))
I've seen it. It's rubbish. (About a Magrathean sunset that Arthur finds magnificent)
>>> print(random.choice(data['quotes']))
I ache, therefore I am.

在上面的演示中,我使用^{} function从列表中随机选取一个引号。你知道吗


Now the world has gone to bed
Darkness won't engulf my head
I can see by infra-red
How I hate the night

Now I lay me down to sleep
Try to count electric sheep
Sweet dream wishes you can keep
How I hate the night

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