
2024-10-02 20:39:46 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

  1. 在下面的文字中我只想得到“七月四日”

Hello, happy [4th of July]. I love the [[firework]]

  1. 我有这些文字:

    text = {{Hey, how are you.}} I've watched John Mulaney all night. [[Category: Comedy]] [[Image: John Mulaney]]


hey_how_are_you = re.compile('\{\{.*\}\}')
category = re.compile('\[\[Category:.*?\]\]')
image = re.compile('\[\[Image:.*?\]\]')
text = hey_how_are_you.sub('', text)
text = category.sub('', text)
text = image.sub('', text)

Tags: textimagereyouhellojohnarehow


import re

text = "{{Hey, how are you.}} I've watched John Mulaney all night. [[Category: Comedy]] [[Image: John Mulaney]]"

text = re.sub('\{\{.*\}\}', '', text)
text = re.sub('\[\[Category:.*?\]\]', '', text)
text = re.sub('\[\[Image:.*?\]\]', '',text)


Out[ ]:
" I've watched John Mulaney all night.  "




I've used the concept of list comprehension & string's split() method.

### Example 1
>>> string = 'Hello, happy [4th of July]. I love the [[firework]]'
>>> part1 = string.split('[')
>>> part1
['Hello, happy ', '4th of July]. I love the ', '', 'firework]]']
>>> part2 = [s[:s.index(']')] for s in part1 if ']' in s and not ']]' in s]
>>> part2
['4th of July']


>>> sentence1 = "This is [Great opportunity] to [[learn]] [Nice things] and [Programming] [[One]] of them]."
>>> part1 = sentence1.split('[')
>>> part2 = [s[:s.index(']')] for s in part1 if ']' in s and not ']]' in s]
>>> part2
['Great opportunity', 'Nice things', 'Programming']



>>> import re
>>> string2 = "text = {{Hey, how are you.}} I've watched John Mulaney all night. [[Category: Comedy]] [[Image: John Mulaney]]"
>>> part1 = re.split('[\{\[]', string2)
>>> part1
['text = ', '', "Hey, how are you.}} I've watched John Mulaney all night. ", '', 'Category: Comedy]] ', '', 'Image: John Mulaney]]']
>>> part3 = [ "[["+ s[:s.index(']]') + 2] if ']]' in s else "{{" + s[:s.index('}}') + 2]  for s in part1 if ']]' in s or '}}' in s]
>>> part3
['{{Hey, how are you.}}', '[[Category: Comedy]]', '[[Image: John Mulaney]]']
# 1.
text="Hello, happy [4th of July]. I love the [[firework]]. "
# 2.
text2=" {{Hey, how are you.}} I've watched John Mulaney all night. [[Category: Comedy]] [[Image: John Mulaney]]"

['4th of July'] 
 4th of July
  I've watched John Mulaney all night.  

In the 1st problem you can use negative lookbehind: (?<!\[)
Your regexp in the 2nd problem works for me. (What error you have?) However, it can be solved in one pass, too.

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