
2024-09-24 00:22:21 发布

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from data import Data
from linear_regression import SLR

def read_data(input_file_name):
    """ (str) -> list, list

    Read data from the path specified by the string input_file.
    Data looks like:

    18  120
    20  110
    22  120
    25  135

    Output two lists, one for each column of data.

    list1 = []
    list2 = []
    read = open(input_file_name, 'r')
    read2 = read.readlines()
    lines = [line.strip() for line in read2]
    for new_line in lines:
        list1.append(float(new_line.split('  ')[0]))
        list2.append(float(new_line.split('  ')[1]))
    return list1, list2

filename = 'bmi_vs_sbp.txt'
x, y = read_data(filename)
dat = Data(x,y)
lm = SLR(dat)


from data import Data

class SLR:
    def __init__(self, data):
        """ (SLR, Data) -> NoneType

        Create a new simple linear regression object from data,
        with three attributes: data, beta0, and beta1.
        self.data = data
        self.beta0, self.beta1 = data.compute_least_squares_fit()

    def predict(self, x):
        """ (SLR, number) -> number

        Return predicted value at x.
        x_new = self.x = x
        y_new = self.beta0 + self.beta1*x_new
        return y_new

    def compute_residuals(self):
        """ (SLR) -> list

        Return the residuals in a list of numbers.
        residuals = []
        for i in range(len(self.data.x)):
            residuals.append(self.data.y[i] - self.beta0 - self.beta1*self.data.x[i])
        return residuals

    def compute_SSResid(self):
        """ (SLR) -> number

        Return the sum of square residuals (SSResid).
        residuals = self.compute_residuals()
        SSResid = 0
        for i in range(len(self.data.x)):
            SSResid += pow(residuals[i],2)
        return SSResid

    def compute_residual_sd(self):
        """ (SLR) -> number

        Return the residual standard deviation.
        residuals = self.compute_residuals()
        residual_sd = pow(self.compute_SSResid()/(len(self.data.x)-2), 1/2)
        return residual_sd

    def compute_rsquared(self):
        """ (SLR) -> number

        Return the R-squared of the SLR fit.
        rsquared = 1 - (self.compute_SSResid()/self.data.compute_SST())
        return rsquared

    def __str__(self):
        """ (SLR) -> str

        Return a string representation of an SLR in this format:

        Least squares fit on 10 data points.
        Intercept = 45.584331
        Slope = 3.465523
        Residual standard deviation = 13.051139
        R-squared = 0.731364
        return print('Least squares fit on {} data points.''\n'
            'Intercept = {:.6f}''\n'
            'Slope = {:.6f}''\n'
            'Residual standard deviation = {:.6f}''\n'
            'R-squared = {:.6f}'.format(self.data.num_obs(), self.beta0, self.beta1, self.compute_residual_sd(), self.compute_rsquared()))


Tags: the数据代码inselfnewdatareturn
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-24 00:22:21


  +- other_stuff
  +- python
       +- data.py
       +- SLR.py

如果shell位于工作区中,并且运行$ python python/SLR.py,那么python将首先查看PYTHONPATH,然后查看当前所在的文件/类。在本例中,这将是workspace—没有名为data.py的文件,因此它会因导入错误而崩溃。如果从python文件夹调用$ python SLR.pydata.py就在那里,执行起来没有问题。你知道吗



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