
2024-09-26 17:59:36 发布

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from mpmath import findroot, quadosc, inf, j0

j0zero = lambda n: findroot(j0, pi*(n-0.25)) # ***
I = quadosc(j0, [0, inf], zeros=j0zero)
I = 1.0 # OK, this is the correct answer.


from scipy.special import jn

f = lambda x: jn(0,x)
j0zero = lambda n: findroot(f, pi*(n-0.25))
II = quadosc(f, [0, inf], zeros=j0zero)


TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mpmath/calculus/ in findroot(ctx, f, x0, solver, tol, verbose, verify, **kwargs)
    927  try:
--> 928   fx = f(*x0)
    929    multidimensional = isinstance(fx, (list, tuple, ctx.matrix))
<ipython-input-449-aeebd9a1e908> in <lambda>(x)
----> 3 f = lambda x: jn(0,x)
      4 j0zero = lambda n: findroot(f, pi*(n-0.25))

TypeError: ufunc 'jv' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
TypeError  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-449-aeebd9a1e908> in <module>
      3 f = lambda x: jn(0,x)
      4 j0zero = lambda n: findroot(f, pi*(n-0.25))
----> 5 II = quadosc(f, [0, inf], zeros=j0zero)
      6 print(II)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mpmath/calculus/ in quadosc(ctx, f, interval, omega, period, zeros)
     998   # raise ValueError("zeros do not appear to be correctly indexed")
     999   n = 1
 -> 1000  s = ctx.quadgl(f, [a, zeros(n)])
    1001  def term(k):
    1002  return ctx.quadgl(f, [zeros(k), zeros(k+1)]

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mpmath/calculus/ in findroot(ctx, f, x0, solver, tol, verbose, verify, **kwargs)
    929     multidimensional = isinstance(fx, (list, tuple, ctx.matrix))
    930     except TypeError:
--> 931     fx = f(x0[0])
    932     multidimensional = False
    933     if 'multidimensional' in kwargs:


from scipy.integrate import quad

f = lambda x: jn(0,x)
III = quad(f,0,inf)[0]
III = -21.154674722694516 # What is an incorrect answer.


Tags: thelambda函数inzerosscipyinfjn


In [31]: one,two = mpmath.mpmathify(1), mpmath.mpmathify(2)                     

In [32]: one,two                                                                
Out[32]: (mpf('1.0'), mpf('2.0'))

In [33]: one+two                                                                
Out[33]: mpf('3.0')

In [34]: jn(1,2)                                                                
Out[34]: 0.5767248077568736

In [35]: jn(one,two)                                                            
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-35-ec48c25f686b> in <module>
  > 1 jn(one,two)

TypeError: ufunc 'jv' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''



In [41]: mpmath.sin(one)                                                        
Out[41]: mpf('0.8414709848078965')

In [42]: np.sin(1)                                                              
Out[42]: 0.8414709848078965

In [43]: np.sin(one)                                                            
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
AttributeError: 'mpf' object has no attribute 'sin'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-43-38fc918b311a> in <module>
  > 1 np.sin(one)

TypeError: loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type mpf which has no callable sin method

可以使用以下方法转换mpmath normal python数字:

In [44]: float(one)                                                             
Out[44]: 1.0

In [45]: jn(float(one),float(two))                                              
Out[45]: 0.5767248077568736

np.float64(one)也可以,但是jn不喜欢np.float128(one)。显然jn是为C double编译的,但不是更高精度的float。你知道吗


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