
2024-06-28 10:56:11 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


s="As soon as {female_character:Aurelia|Aurelius} turned around the corner, {female_character:she|he} remembered that it was the wrong way and would eventually end in a cul-de-sac. Spinning around, {female_character:Aurelia|Aurelius} tried to run back out, but the way was already blocked by the vendor. In this dark alley way, nobody would see or care what happened to some poor beggar turned thief. Should {female_character:Aurelia|Aurelius} put up a fight in hopes of lasting long enough to escape or give up now and trust to the mercy of the vendor?"


if (whatever is on the left side of the colon) == True:
    (replace {female_character:Aurelia|Aurelius} with the option on the left side of the |) 
    (replace {female_character:Aurelia|Aurelius} with the option on the right side of the |) 



Tags: oftheto字符串文本onsidefemale
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-28 10:56:11

您可以使用regular expression来定位变量及其文本替换。正则表达式支持分组,因此可以在不同的组中同时获取TrueFalse,然后根据找到的变量的当前值,用正确的组替换整个匹配项。你知道吗




import re

def replaceVars(vars,text):
    for loop in range(len(re.findall(r'\{[^{}]*(?=\{)', text))+1):
        for var in vars:
            if vars[var]:
                text = re.sub ('\{'+var+r':([^|{}]+)\|([^|{}]+?)\}', r'\1', text)
                text = re.sub ('\{'+var+r':([^|{}]+)\|([^|{}]+?)\}', r'\2', text)
    return text

s = "As soon as {female_character:Aurelia|Aurelius} turned around the corner, {female_character:she|he} remembered that it was the wrong way and would eventually end in a cul-de-sac. Spinning around, {female_character:Aurelia|Aurelius} tried to run back out, but the way was already blocked by the vendor. In this dark alley way, nobody would see or care what happened to some poor beggar turned thief. Should {female_character:Aurelia|Aurelius} put up a fight in hopes of lasting long enough to escape or give up now and trust to the mercy of the vendor? Puppy {strong_character:is big for his age|{small_character:although small for his age, is a very quick warrior|although average size, {female_character:she|he} is a skilled warrior}}"
variables = {"female_character":True, "strong_character":False, "small_character":False}

t = replaceVars(variables,s)
print (t)


As soon as Aurelia turned around the corner, she remembered that it was the wrong way and would eventually end in a cul-de-sac. Spinning around, Aurelia tried to run back out, but the way was already blocked by the vendor. In this dark alley way, nobody would see or care what happened to some poor beggar turned thief. Should Aurelia put up a fight in hopes of lasting long enough to escape or give up now and trust to the mercy of the vendor? Puppy although average size, she is a skilled warrior

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