一个用于vexdb api的瘦python包装器


python vexdb

一个用于vexdb api的瘦python包装器。


注意:python vexdb只与python 3兼容!

使用pip安装:pip install vexdb

然后,import vexdb访问包中的函数。

python vexdb需要urllibjson模块,这两个模块都应该随python版本一起提供。


python vexdb为https://vexdb.io/the_data中列出的每个数据类型提供了两个函数,其中DataTypeEventsTeamsMatchesRankingsSeasonRankingsAwards,或Skills

  • getDataType-返回一个字典列表,每个字典对应于一个与提供的条件匹配的结果 作为函数参数。
  • getNumDataType-返回与作为函数参数提供的条件匹配的结果数。

对于每种类型的数据,getDataTypegetNumDataType函数都有一个用于列出的所有参数的参数 在https://vexdb.io/the_data对应的页面上,除了limit_startlimit_numbernodata。 所有参数都是可选的,有关每个参数的详细信息可以在每个参数的vexdb api网页上找到 数据类型。

getDataType函数还有一个布尔参数get_all,当设置为True时,该参数将进行多个api调用 为了确保它返回所有匹配的结果,因为api可能不会返回大量查询的所有结果 (超过几千)火柴。默认值get_allFalse,传递get_all=True只是 对于具有大量预期结果的查询是必需的。


返回2017-2018赛季8768A队所有比赛的列表: vexdb.getMatches(team="8768A", season="In The Zone")

查找本季迄今为止颁发的所有奖项: vexdb.getAwards(season="current")

查找美国每个高中VRC团队: vexdb.getTeams(grade="High School", country="United States", get_all=True) (注意使用get_all=True,因为这将返回大量结果)




    vexdb - Thin python wrapper for the VexDB API


    getAwards(sku=None, name=None, team=None, season=None, get_all=False)
        Return a list of awards matching the given criteria.

        For sets of criteria that match a large number of awards (a few thousand or so),
        a single request to the API will return only a limited number of results.
        Passing get_all=True will ensure that all matching awards are returned by making
        multiple requests if necessary.

    getEvents(sku=None, program=None, date=None, season=None, city=None, region=None, country=None, team=None, status=None, get_all=False)
        Return a list of events matching the given criteria.

        For sets of criteria that match a large number of events (a few thousand or so),
        a single request to the API will return only a limited number of events.
        Passing get_all=True will ensure that all matching events are returned by making
        multiple requests if necessary.

    getMatches(sku=None, division=None, round=None, instance=None, matchnum=None, scheduled=None, field=None, team=None, scored=None, season=None, get_all=False)
        Return a list of matches matching the given criteria.

        For sets of criteria that match a large number of matches (a few thousand or so),
        a single request to the API will return only a limited number of results.
        Passing get_all=True will ensure that all matching matches are returned by making
        multiple requests if necessary.

    getNumAwards(sku=None, name=None, team=None, season=None)
        Return the number of season rankings matching the given criteria

    getNumEvents(sku=None, program=None, date=None, season=None, city=None, region=None, country=None, team=None, status=None)
        Return the number of events matching the given criteria.

    getNumMatches(sku=None, division=None, round=None, instance=None, matchnum=None, scheduled=None, field=None, team=None, scored=None, season=None)
        Return the number of matches matching the given criteria

    getNumRankings(sku=None, division=None, rank=None, team=None, season=None)
        Return the number of rankings matching the given criteria

    getNumSeasonRankings(program=None, season=None, team=None, vrating_rank=None)
        Return the number of season rankings matching the given criteria

    getNumSkills(sku=None, program=None, type=None, team=None, season=None, season_rank=None, rank=None)
        Return the number of skills records matching the given criteria

    getNumTeams(team=None, program=None, organisation=None, city=None, region=None, country=None, grade=None, is_registered=None, sku=None)
        Return the number of teams matching the given criteria

    getRankings(sku=None, division=None, rank=None, team=None, season=None, get_all=False)
        Return a list of rankings matching the given criteria.

        For sets of criteria that match a large number of rankings (a few thousand or so),
        a single request to the API will return only a limited number of results.
        Passing get_all=True will ensure that all matching rankings are returned by making
        multiple requests if necessary.

    getSeasonRankings(program=None, season=None, team=None, vrating_rank=None, get_all=False)
        Return a list of season rankings matching the given criteria.

        For sets of criteria that match a large number of season rankings (a few thousand or so),
        a single request to the API will return only a limited number of results.
        Passing get_all=True will ensure that all matching season rankings are returned by making
        multiple requests if necessary.

    getSkills(sku=None, program=None, type=None, team=None, season=None, season_rank=None, rank=None, get_all=False)
        Return a list of skills records matching the given criteria.

        For sets of criteria that match a large number of skills records (a few thousand or so),
        a single request to the API will return only a limited number of results.
        Passing get_all=True will ensure that all matching skills records are returned by making
        multiple requests if necessary.

    getTeams(team=None, program=None, organisation=None, city=None, region=None, country=None, grade=None, is_registered=None, sku=None, get_all=False)
        Return a list of teams matching the given criteria.

        For sets of criteria that match a large number of teams (a few thousand or so),
        a single request to the API will return only a limited number of results.
        Passing get_all=True will ensure that all matching teams are returned by making
        multiple requests if necessary.

        Makes a request to the specfied URL and returns a list of results.

        Makes a request to the specfied URL and returns the number of results.

        Useful mostly when making calls with the 'nodata' perameter set to true.

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