



选项可以通过应用程序参数(--ts3-server-host voice.teamspeak.com)或环境变量(export EKKO_TS3_SERVER_HOST=voice.teamspeak.com)配置。


--ts3-server-host EKKO_TS3_SERVER_HOST
                      Hostname/ip of ts3 server
--ts3-server-port EKKO_TS3_SERVER_PORT
                      Port of the ts3 server
--ts3-username EKKO_TS3_USERNAME
                      Username of the bot
--ts3-identity EKKO_TS3_IDENTITY
                      Identity to be used for the bot
--ts3-unique-id EKKO_TS3_UNIQUEID
                      Unique ID, used to identify the bots own actions
--ts3-client-apikey EKKO_TS3_CLIENT_APIKEY
                      ClientQuery apikey, configured in the ts3 client
                      docker image
--ts3-channel-name EKKO_TS3_CHANNEL_NAME
                      Channel name to which the bot should connect
--ts3-channel-id EKKO_TS3_CHANNEL_ID
                      Channel ID to which the bot should connect
--ts3-channel-password EKKO_TS3_CHANNEL_PASSWORD
                      Channel password for the channel the bot is connecting
--ts3-server-password EKKO_TS3_SERVER_PASSWORD
                      Password to the ts3 server
--ts3-server-permission-token EKKO_TS3_SERVER_PERMISSION_TOKEN
                      Permission token to claim rights on the ts3 server.
--ts3-identity-database-preconf EKKO_TS3_IDENTITY_DATABASE_PRECONF
                      Identity string which is pre-configured in the
                      ProtobufItems table in the settings.db inside of the
                      deployed client instance.
--ts3-identity-database-key EKKO_TS3_IDENTITY_DATABASE_KEY
                      Identitfier key of the record in the ProtobufItems
                      table in the settings.db configuration database, which
                      should be used for the identity modification
--ekko-node-id EKKO_NODE_ID
                      Identifier for each ekko client node
--ts3-clientquery-host EKKO_TS3_CLIENTQUERY_HOST
                      Host used by the TS3 Client to provide the ClientQuery
--ts3-clientquery-port EKKO_TS3_CLIENTQUERY_PORT
                      Port used by the TS3 Client to provide the ClientQuery
--ts3-config-directory EKKO_TS3_CONFIG_DIRECTORY
                      Directory in which the TS3 configuration files are
                      (.ts3client, files are e.g. settings.db)
--ekko-media-directory-source EKKO_MEDIA_DIRECTORY_SOURCE
                      Directory in which files for playback from filesystem
                      are stored on the docker host. This directory will be
                      mounted to the directory defined by `--ekko-media-
--ekko-media-directory EKKO_MEDIA_DIRECTORY
                      Directory in which files for playback from filesystem
                      are stored
--teamspeak-directory EKKO_TS3_DIRECTORY
                      Directory in which teamspeak was installed
--teamspeak-runscript EKKO_TS3_RUNSCRIPT
                      Filename of the runscript in the teamspeak directory
                      (see --teamspeak-directory)
                      Build the ekkoclient image instead of downloading the
                      built one
--docker-ekkoclient-directory EKKO_DOCKER_EKKOCLIENT_DIRECTORY
                      Source directory for building the ekkoclient image
--docker-network-name EKKO_DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME
                      Name of the docker network for the ekko ensamble.
                      Do not remove the containers of exited ekko clients
                      (only for debug purposes, results in errors in case
                      manager tries to create existing containers)
--docker-ekkoclient-image-name EKKO_DOCKER_EKKOCLIENT_IMAGE_NAME
                      Name of the ekko client image
--docker-ekkoclient-image-tag EKKO_DOCKER_EKKOCLIENT_IMAGE_TAG
                      Tag of the ekko client image
--docker-network-dblink EKKO_DOCKER_NETWORK_DBLINK
                      Link descriptor for database<->ekkoclient link
--ekko-client-control-port EKKO_CLIENT_CONTROL_PORT
                      Port on which the ekkoclients offer the control
--fixtures-path EKKO_FIXTURES_PATH
                      Path of the directory which includes seed/fixture
                      files for database initialization
--db-username EKKO_DB_USERNAME
                      application database username
--db-password EKKO_DB_PASSWORD
                      application database password
--db-host EKKO_DB_HOST
                      application database host
--db-dbname EKKO_DB_DBNAME
                      application database name
--ekko-manage-server EKKO_MANAGE_SERVER
                      Hostname/ip of the server on which the ts3ekko
                      management instance runs
--ekko-manage-port EKKO_MANAGE_PORT
                      Port on which the ts3ekko manage api can be reached
--log-level EKKO_LOG_LEVEL
                      Log level for all ekko applications
--log-format EKKO_LOG_FORMAT
                      Format in which the log messages are written
--cog-media-volume-modifier EKKO_COG_MEDIA_VOLUME_MODIFIER
                      (MediaCog) Ratio by which the volume gets recalculated
                      for the media player.
--cog-media-volume-max EKKO_COG_MEDIA_VOLUME_MAX
                      (MediaCog) Maximum allowed volume.
--cog-media-alias-prefix EKKO_COG_MEDIA_ALIAS_PREFIX
                      (MediaCog) Prefix used to a mark media alias.

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