用于构建mod_python apache模块的zc.buildout recipe。



这个食谱已被弃用。其功能包含在 tl.buildout_apache配方来自0.2版。可能不可能 与0.3版或更高版本的apache菜谱一起使用。

这是一个zc.buildout配方,用于设置mod_python模块 那张Apache web server。它旨在与 tl.buildout_apache食谱。

因为mod_pythonpython包需要对python可用 在有机会修改解释器的模块搜索之前 路径,此配方将.pth文件写入python的site-packages 目录。这意味着所使用的python安装必须是可写的,并且 它应该是建筑物的私有财产。你可以包括 在构建中使用一些configure/make/make install配方或作为轻量级替代方案,使用 食谱tl.buildout_virtual_python。无论如何,python的c头文件 必须安装。

这个方法看起来是可靠的,但是特性集基本上是 由作者的迫切需要决定。别犹豫,发问, <;thomas@thomas-lotze.de>;的错误报告、建议或修补程序。


此配方创建的构建部分用作 tl.buildout_apache:root节。它将配置指令添加到加载 mod_python共享模块并配置python解释器模块 搜索路径。

下面描述的选项都不是必需的:它们要么是合理的 默认值或由配方计算。你可以覆盖其中任何一个。

url:Where to get the source distribution.
md5sum:MD5 checksum of the source distribution.
extra-options:Extra configure options, appended to the ^{tt8}$ command line.
extra-vars:Extra environment variables for ^{tt8}$, ^{tt5}$, and ^{tt6}$ calls.
httpd:The name of a buildout section for an httpd installation, defaults to “httpd”. This can either be a part that uses the ^{tt7}$ recipe, or a section that describes a system-wide installation. It must export the “apxs-path” option.
python:The name of a buildout section for a Python installation, defaults to the Python section used by the “buildout” part. It must export the “executable” option.
eggs:Specifications of eggs to be available on mod_python’s default Python path.
find-links:See the zc.recipe.egg documentation.
index:See the zc.recipe.egg documentation.
extra-paths:Non-egg paths to be included in mod_python’s default Python path.
config-parts:Names of buildout sections with further configuration. See the ^{tt7}$ recipe.
so-path:Absolute file system path to the ^{tt14}$ shared module.
lib-dir:Absolute file system path to the Python library directory that contains the ^{tt1}$ package.
path-file:The path to a file that contains the paths to the configured eggs and all of the configured extra paths, one per line.
extra-env:A specification for httpd’s PATH so the correct Python executable will be used.
extra-config:A piece of Apache server configuration that loads the mod_python shared module and sets mod_python’s default Python path.

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