

1: Introduction

tem ptemp处理l语言。

templ是一种(图灵完全)编程语言,用于生成内容 从基于文本的模板文件和一个简单而强大的处理语言 (templ本身)直接嵌入到模板文件中。


  • 代码生成。
  • 形成字母。
  • Web服务器的服务器端脚本。
  • 具有不同输出格式的自定义标记。
  • 任何其他类型的基于文本的动态内容生成。

1.1: Contact Information

此项目当前托管在bitbucket, 在https://bitbucket.org/bmearns/templ/。主要作者是Brian Mearns: 你可以通过Bitbucket在https://bitbucket.org/bmearns联系布赖恩。

2: Examples

下面显示一些简单的示例模板,它们是输出的 一个能用坦普尔做什么的想法。

2.1: Templ Basics


Hello, World!
My Name is {set :NAME "templ"}. I am the TEMplate Processing Language.
Sometimes, {$ :NAME} likes to speak in the third person.

{$ :NAME} can do math:
    1 + 1 = {+ 1 1}
    1 + 2 = {+ 1 2}
    2 + 3 = {+ 2 3}
    3 + 5 = {+ 3 5}

{$ :NAME} can operate on strings and lists:
    {implode "a" {' b n n s}}
    {str {cat {' a b c } {' d e f } }}

{$ :NAME} can do conditional processing:
        {== {+ 2 2} 5}
        "Oh No!"

        {== {+ 2 2} 4}

        "How did I get here?"

{$ :NAME} can loop (and do trig):
{for :THETA {range 0 40 10} {
    echo "    sin(" {$ :THETA} ") = " {sin {rad {$ :THETA}}} {eol}}

{$ :NAME} can even do list comprehensions and user defined functions:
{v {set
        {' :THETA }
            {let :RADS}
            {$ :RADS {rad {$ :THETA}}}

            {echo "Processing theta=" {$ :THETA} "..." {eol}}

            %return value
            {+ {cos {$ :RADS}} {sin {$ :RADS}} }
}}{wrap "{" "}" {implode {glue "," {eol} "    "} {gen
    {range 40 80 10}
    {join ":" {$ :T} {:MY-FUNC {$ :T}}}


Hello, World!
My Name is templ. I am the TEMplate Processing Language.
Sometimes, templ likes to speak in the third person.

templ can do math:
    1 + 1 = 2
    1 + 2 = 3
    2 + 3 = 5
    3 + 5 = 8

templ can operate on strings and lists:
    [a, b, c, d, e, f]

templ can do conditional processing:

templ can loop (and do trig):
    sin(0) = 0.0
    sin(10) = 0.173648177667
    sin(20) = 0.342020143326
    sin(30) = 0.5

templ can even do list comprehensions and user defined functions:
Processing theta=40...
Processing theta=50...
Processing theta=60...
Processing theta=70...

2.2: Code Generation - A Sine Lookup Table


    {set :SIZE 10}
}const double sine_lut[{get :SIZE}] =
{for i {range {get :SIZE}} {::
    {let :THETA}
    {$ :THETA {mult
        {$ i}
        {div 360 {$ :SIZE}}
    {spit {'
        "    "
            {sin {rad {$ :THETA}}}
        "// i = "
        {get i}
        ", theta = "
        {$ :THETA}
        " deg"


const double sine_lut[10] =
    0.0,    // i = 0, theta = 0 deg
    0.5878, // i = 1, theta = 36 deg
    0.9511, // i = 2, theta = 72 deg
    0.9511, // i = 3, theta = 108 deg
    0.5878, // i = 4, theta = 144 deg
    -0.0,   // i = 5, theta = 180 deg
    -0.5878,        // i = 6, theta = 216 deg
    -0.9511,        // i = 7, theta = 252 deg
    -0.9511,        // i = 8, theta = 288 deg
    -0.5878,        // i = 9, theta = 324 deg

2.3: Embedded Data

下一个示例演示templ如何使您轻松地嵌入数据 直接在使用它的模板文件中,允许您 例如,一个受版本控制的文件。

    %Embedded data
    {$ :DATA {'
        %   Name            Year    Month (-1)      Date
        {'  "Alan T."     1912    05              23 }
        {'  "John V."     1903    11              28 }
        {'  "Claude S."   1916    03              30 }
        {'  "George B."   1815    10              2  }
        {'  "George B."   1815    10              2  }
        {'  "Ada L."      1815    11              15 }
        {'  "Charles B."  1791    11              26 }
        {'  "Donald K."   1938    0               10 }
        {'  "Dennis R."   1941    8               9  }
}{for :ROW {$ :DATA} {:
    {$ :STAMP {stamp {slice 1 {$ :ROW}}}}
    {$ :NOW {stamp}}
    {$ :AGE {floor {div {- {$ :NOW} {$ :STAMP}} {* 60 60 24 365.25}}}}
    {echo {@ 0 {$ :ROW}} ", age " {$ :AGE} " years." {eol} }


Alan T., age 100 years.
John V., age 109 years.
Claude S., age 96 years.
George B., age 197 years.
George B., age 197 years.
Ada L., age 197 years.
Charles B., age 221 years.
Donald K., age 75 years.
Dennis R., age 71 years.

2.4: Programmatic Invocation

templ的真正威力来自编程接口, 它允许您预定义符号,甚至可执行文件(函数、宏 ,然后可以从模板访问。 因为,尽管templ图灵完成的,而您可以执行所有操作 直接在模板(或单独包含的模板)中执行 python中的高级数据处理可以帮助保持模板文件更简单。

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