一个简单的spotify cli



使用Click和{a2}生成的简单Spotify CLI



pip install spty

或者,如果您想玩它,您可以fork the repo。在


这是可选的,但是启用tab completion可以让您更快地探索和发出命令,而不必咨询--help。在




_SPTY_COMPLETE=source_bash spty >> ~/.bashrc


spty不直接与本地Spotify应用程序通信,而是通过API调用进行通信。是遥控器。作为先决条件,您必须在Spotify for Developers上“创建”一个Spotify应用程序。在

有关更多说明,请参见他们的App Settings guide。请注意,应用程序的名称和描述对于这个CLI来说并不重要。在



spty                      Show all commands
spty config               (Re)configure your Spotify app values

spty play                 Play or resume playback
spty play TRACK           Find a track and play it
spty play album ALBUM     Find an album and play it
spty play artist ARTIST   Find an artist and play its discography
spty play list PLAYLIST   Find a playlist and play it

spty pause                Pause the playback
spty stop                 Stop the playback
spty replay               Replay the current song
spty next                 Skip to the next song
spty previous (prev)      Play the previous song

spty fast-forward (ffwd)  Fast-forward by SECONDS (10 by default)
spty rewind (rew)         Rewind by SECONDS (10 by default)
spty seek                 Play current song at TIMESTAMP (e.g. 1:30)

spty vol                  Show current volume
spty vol up               Increase volume by 10
spty vol down             Decrease volume by 10
spty vol PERC             Set volume to PERC (0-100)
spty repeat               Set repeat mode (track, context, or off)
spty shuffle              Toggle shuffle or explicitly turn it on/off

spty status               Show playback status
spty status track         Show track title
spty status title         Show album title
spty status artist        Show artist/s
spty status -v            Show playback status, including shuffle and repeat state

spty share                Show the current song's url and uri
stpy share url            Show the current song's url
stpy share uri            Show the current song's uri

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