sapdi helper函数列表,如gensolution(包本地开发的操作符、textfield\u解析器、时间监控


SAP Data Intelligence Utilities(sdi\u utils),由thhapke提供


此软件包包括两个帮助程序,这些帮助程序易于开发与一起使用的运算符 SAP数据智能(SAP DI)。在

  • gensolution用于从本地开发的运算符生成解决方案包。在
  • textfield_parser解析文本字段,这些字段可以包含列表、映射、映射列表等
  • set_logging用于将日志记录输出引导到一个字符串,以便用单独的监视器连接它
  • tprogress用于简单的时间保持,以检查某些操作员(任务)的性能


pip install sdi_utils

SAP Data Intelligence Helper操作员


您可以在src/sdi_utils_operators/中找到所有运算符的源代码。它们是在SAP Data Intelligence实例之外创建的,并且使用gensolution创建了解决方案,然后可以直接上载。但是所有生成的解决方案也可以在文件夹sdi_utils/solution/operators/中找到。在

所有操作符都需要打包在sdi\u utils中的模块,因此您必须至少将其添加到docker映像中。对于其他包,请查看添加到每个操作员的标记。在


csv_dfConverts a csv byte/string stream into a pandas DataFrame
csv_dictConverts a csv byte/string stream into a list of dictionaries with header as key
csv_tableConverts a csv byte/string stream into a 2 dimensional array. Used for the beta Hana Operator only.
df_csvConverts a DataFrame into a csv-string for saving with WriteFile-operator
df_tableConverts a DataFrame into a 2 dimensional array with the according attributes used for writing in a HANA Database (Beta-operator
dict_dfConverts a dictionary into DataFrame
dict_jsonConverts a dictionary into a JSON-string
dict_tableConverts a dictionary into a 2-dimensional array
filter_dateWhen the date is part of the filename (format: yyyy-mm-dd) then files can be selected with dates within the period stated in the configuration
count_gateDecision gate that triggers next processing step only after the number stated in the configuration has been reached. The number can also be set dynamically either directly via the limit port or via attribute port. This operator is mostly used to terminate a pipeline.
HTTPdownloadDownloads the file given in the url
json_dfConverts a json-string into a DataFrame
json_dfConverts a json-string into a dictionary
line_arrayConverts a byte-stream into an 1-dimensional array
table_csvConverts a 2-dimensional array into a csv. Using the attributes of the beta-type table for the header.





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