访问redtube api的模块-更新为python 3


我们走!我想展示一个简单的模块来访问RedTube API。那个api有一些 方法使用外部客户端(如这段小代码)访问其视频库。只有读访问是 目前提供。


from redtube import RedClient

red = RedClient()
# Getting top of the top... I think so :)
collection = red.search()
# Search method provides list like object of type RedCollection with video entries of type RedVideo.
print type(collection)
# You can show you total videos for current search and current page
print collection.total, collection.page

# Let's search banana, it's good choice for this search engine
collection = red.search(query='banana', page=2)
# As you can see, we can access next page by page parameter
# Also you can access next page by calling next method from RedCollection instance
collection = red.next()

# You can access video entries by their internal ID
first = red.by_id('1')
# Or by some syntax sugar:
first = red[1]
print first # <RedVideo[1] "Heather taking it deep again">

# RedVideo entries has many useful information about video, ie:
print first.title, first.duration, first.url, first.player_url, first.embed
# As you can see, we can access video streaming url for this client or generate video embed code

# Also you can retrieve tag, category or star lists provided by RedTube
categories, tags, stars = red.categories, red.tags, red.stars
# This methods has internal cache, so you will do only one HTTP request for multi calls.


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