



A theming introspection tool for Plone.


Author: WebLion Group, Penn State University “support@weblion.psu.edu”:mailto:support@weblion.psu.edu

Release Manager: “Eric Steele”:mailto:EricSteele+gloworm@psu.edu, esteele on irc.freenode.net


  • Requires plone.app.customerize 1.1.2 (included in Plone 3.1.3) or higher
  • archetypes.kss 1.4.2 (included in Plone 3.1.5) or higher

Confirmed to work in:

  • Firefox 3, 4
  • Internet Explorer 7
  • Safari 3.1, 4, 5
  • Opera 9


Both GloWorm and CacheSetup operate through monkeypatches to PageTemplate.pt_render(). Installing both on the same instance may cause unexpected behavior. GloWorm is intended as a development tool and is best left on your development machine.


Starting the GloWorm inspector requires three things:

1 The Products.Gloworm package should be installed through the Add/Remove Products page.

2 Zope debug mode must be enabled, either by turning debug mode on in your
zope.conf file or by running Zope in foreground mode. Note that Zope debug mode is not the same as Plone’s CSS debug mode. For more information see http://plone.org/documentation/manual/theme-reference/tools/debug#toc2.

3 Log in as a site manager.

Once those conditions have been met, an “inspect this page” link will appear in the Object Actions section of content objects on your site. In a typical Plone installation, this is at the bottom of the page content. Clicking this link will open up a new view of the content object which includes the GloWorm inspection panel. You may also reach this view by appending ‘@@inspect’ to the current page’s URL. Please note that the HTML content of the GloWorm inspector view is drastically different than that of the actual page view, it is recommended that you do not use the contents of the inspector view for styling purposes.

The inspector panel may be resized by dragging the panel’s header up or down. The navigation tree may also be resized by dragging left or right.

In the the inspector view, clicking on any element of the current page will bring up a list of information about that page element, including TAL statements (tal:attributes, tal:condition, tal:content, tal:replace) and the name of the viewlet or portlet in which it is contained.

Click the viewlet name to learn more about that viewlet. Viewlet inspection includes the name of the viewlet manager containing the viewlet, the ability to show and hide the viewlet, and to the ability customize the template.

GloWorm’s template customization feature utilizes Plone’s portal_view_customizations utility to manage viewlet templates. To find your customized templates in the Zope Management Interface, go to “portal_view_customizations” within your Plone site and select the “contents” tab.

In the viewlet inspection view, click the viewlet manager name to inspect that viewlet manager and the viewlets it contains. A green check mark next to a viewlet name indicates that the viewlet is visible, while a red “X” indicates that it is hidden. Clicking these icons will toggle the visibility of the viewlet accordingly. Clicking the up and down arrows performs viewlet reordering. Clicking the name of a viewlet will take you to the viewlet inspection view for that viewlet.

The navigation tree at the right of the inspector panel provides a tree-structured view of the inspected content object’s viewlet managers and viewlets. Note that the navigation tree will display viewlet managers and viewlets that are not within the page’s <body> tag (ie. “plone.htmlhead”). These may be inspected, but will not be highlighted in the page content panel.

Click the red “close” icon in the upper-right corner of the GloWorm panel to return to normal site browsing.


Contact WebLion at “support@weblion.psu.edu”:mailto:support@weblion.psu.edu, or visit our IRC channel: #weblion on freenode.net.

直到萤火虫照亮猫头鹰守望者的飞行 穿过我们的绿色都市。 -威廉·阿林厄姆,绿林树


  • 不在viewlet管理器中显示提供iaignoredbygloworm的viewlet 检查小组。 [埃斯特勒]
  • 将“检查此页”链接从文档操作移动到其自己的viewlet 因为plone 4默认不使用这些操作。 [埃斯特勒]
  • 在添加/删除产品和创建网站时隐藏卸载配置文件 页。 [埃斯特勒]
  • 增加了对i18n的支持。 [麦加瓜]
  • 增加了对西班牙语l10n的支持。 [麦加瓜]
  • 修复命名错误的皮肤层注册[esteele]
  • 实现iviewview以显示更多的viewlets[elro]
  • 修复处理以字符串形式传入的tal属性的方法 而不是阵列。[大卫萨格里]
  • 在Zope2.12中使用boundPageTemplates而不是Acquisition包装的模板 [大卫萨格里]
  • 改进了对自定义视图、viewlet和viewlet管理器的检查处理。
  • 重构测试
  • 改进的源注释搜索
  • 改进了导航树的自动滚动。
  • 为内容添加了滚动条。
  • 为IInlineEditingabled支持添加了对archetypes.kss>;=1.4.2的依赖项。
  • 更改了显示/隐藏视图的图标。
  • 添加帮助文本以显示/隐藏Viewlet图标
  • 为导航树项添加了新图标和帮助文本。
  • 修复了一个bug,它阻止了检查VIEWLET面板模板实现自定义已经存在。
  • 修复了在放弃自定义设置时阻止Viewlet正确重新提交的错误。
  • 添加了一个“可见性”字段,并将“显示/隐藏”链接添加到“检查viewlets”面板。
  • 为可调整大小的面板添加了调整大小句柄
  • Viewlet自定义不再假设模板是用zope.interface.interface前缀创建的。
  • 修复了在重新提交门户标题viewlet管理器时导致门户选项卡不显示其css的呈现问题。
  • gloworm现在是products.gloworm
  • 已禁用此版本的Viewlet移动(到其他Viewlet管理器)。 一旦足够稳定,它将被启用。
  • 尝试保存包含错误的模板时以内联方式显示错误
  • 删除了在@@inspect视图中用关闭条件标记archetypes.kss的需要
  • 为用户界面增强添加了yui框架的部分内容
  • 修复了检查重新排序和自定义的Viewlet时出现的一些问题
  • Gloworm面板现在可以调整大小
  • 改进了非Firefox浏览器支持(在Safari、Opera、IE 7中测试)
  • 为tal:attributes添加了结果
  • 原型现场检查
  • 导航树自动滚动
  • 开始获取sourceannotation输出
  • 更正了0.1a6中缺少的导入
  • 添加了文档导航树

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