连接到AWS S3和Redshift的方便包装






nordata是访问aws s3和aws redshift的一个小的实用函数集合。它是由Nordstrom分析团队的一位数据科学家撰写的。nordata的目标是成为一个简单、健壮的包,以简化数据工作流程。它并不打算处理所有可能的需求(例如,凭证管理很大程度上留给用户),但它旨在简化常见任务。






Installing Nordata:

Nordata can be install via pip. As always, use of a project-level virtual environment is recommended.

Nordata requires Python >= 3.6.

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Setting up credentials for Nordata:


Nordata is designed to ingest your Redshift credentials as an environment variable in the below format. This method allows the user freedom to handle credentials a number of ways. As always, best practices are advised. Your credentials should never be placed in the code of your project such as in a ^{} or ^{} file. Instead, you may wish to place them in your ^{} locally or take advantage of a key management service such as the one offered by AWS.

^{pr 2}$


If the user is running locally, their ^{} directory should contain a ^{} directory with a ^{} file. The ^{} file should look similar to the example below where the profile name is in brackets. Note that the specific values and region may vary. If the user is running on an EC2, instance permission to access S3 is handled by the IAM role for the instance.

^{pr 3}$

Note the the profile name in brackets. If the profile name differs in your credentials file, you will likely need to pass this profile name to the S3 functions as an argument.

How to use Nordata:


Importing nordata Redshift functions:

^{pr 4}$

Reading a SQL script into Python as a string:

^{pr 5}$

Executing a SQL query that does not return data:

^{pr 6}$

Executing a SQL query that returns data as a list of tuples and column names as a list of strings:

^{pr 7}$

Executing a SQL query that returns data as a dict for easy ingestion into a pandas DataFrame:

^{pr 8}$

Creating a connection object that can be manipulated directly by experienced users:

^{pr 9}$


Importing S3 functions:

^{pr 10}$

Downloading a single file from S3:

^{pr 11}$

Downloading with a profile name:

^{pr 12}$

Downloading a list of files from S3 (will not upload contents of subdirectories):

^{pr 13}$

Downloading files matching a pattern from S3 (will not upload contents of subdirectories):

^{pr 14}$

Downloading all files in a directory from S3 (will not upload contents of subdirectories):

^{pr 15}$

Uploading a single file to S3:

^{pr 16}$

Uploading with a profile name:

^{pr 17}$

Uploading a list of files to S3 (will not upload contents of subdirectories):

^{pr 18}$

Uploading files matching a pattern to S3 (will not upload contents of subdirectories):

^{pr 19}$

Uploading all files in a directory to S3 (will not upload contents of subdirectories):

^{pr 20}$

Deleting a single file in S3:

^{pr 21}$

Deleting with a profile name:

^{pr 22}$

Deleting a list of files in S3:

^{pr 23}$

Deleting files matching a pattern in S3:

^{pr 24}$

Deleting all files in a directory in S3:

^{pr 25}$

Creating a bucket object that can be manipulated directly by experienced users:

^{pr 26}$


Importing boto3 functions:

^{pr 27}$

Retrieves Boto3 credentials as a string for use in ^{} and ^{} SQL statetments:

^{pr 28}$

Creating a boto3 session object that can be manipulated directly by experienced users:

^{pr 29}$

Transferring data between Redshift and S3:

Transferring data from Redshift to S3 using an ^{} statement (see Redshift UNLOAD documentation了解更多信息:

fromnordataimportboto_get_creds,redshift_execute_sqlcreds=boto_get_creds(profile_name='default',region_name='us-west-2',session=None)sql=f'''    unload (        'select            col1            ,col2        from            my_schema.my_table'    )    to        's3://mybucket/unload/my_table/'    credentials        '{creds}'    parallel off header gzip allowoverwrite;'''redshift_execute_sql(sql=sql,env_var='REDSHIFT_CREDS',return_data=False,return_dict=False)

Transferring data from S3 to Redshift using a ^{} statement (see Redshift COPY documentation了解更多信息:

fromnordataimportboto_get_creds,redshift_execute_sqlcreds=boto_get_creds(profile_name='default',region_name='us-west-2',session=None)sql=f'''    copy        my_schema.my_table    from        's3://mybucket/unload/my_table/'    credentials        '{creds}'    ignoreheader 1 gzip;'''redshift_execute_sql(sql=sql,env_var='REDSHIFT_CREDS',return_data=False,return_dict=False)



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