Qimendunjia (奇門遁甲) is one of the three greatest Chinese Divination systems ever.


Python Qimendunjia Kinqimen Python 奇門遁甲 堅奇門

簡單時家奇門起盤 A simple Qimendunjia in Chinese hour-based system for prediction.


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1. 導讀 Introduction


Qimen Dunjia is an ancient form of divination from China. It is one of the Three Styles (三式; sānshì; 'three rites') of Chinese divination, with DaLiuRen and TaiYi Shen Shu. Over the centuries of Chinese history, Qimen Dunjia grew in popularity and was expanded to include a number of other types of divination, including medical divination, matchmaking, childbirth, travel, personal fortunes, and today includes contemporary applications, most notably that of business and finance.

Qimen Dunjia is based on astronomical observations, and consists of various aspects of Chinese metaphysics, including the doctrines of yin and yang, five elements, the eight trigrams, the ten Heavenly Stems and the twelve Earthly Branches, as well as the twenty-four solar terms. The Qimen Dunjia cosmic board consists of a 3 × 3 magic square of nine palaces (九宫), which includes a Heaven and Earth plate, a spirit plate, eight gates and a star plate. The various symbols rotate around the palaces with each double-hour of the day, making a total of 1,080 different configurations of the Qimen Dunjia cosmic board. These situations (局; jú) are recycled four times per year, and are divided between the Yin and Yang halves of the year. Qimen Dunjia is time-sensitive. The analyst makes reference to the configuration of the cosmic board at the time when a question is posed, or for birth times of individuals or corporate entities, such as businesses or nations. At times, the same or very similar configurations of the cosmic board will appear in relation to the same series of questions or problems.

2. 安裝套件 Installation


3. 起課方式 Quickstart


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