

Junction, publish and manage Confluence with git workflows


MIT LicensePython 3.8Build and Test



pip install confluence-junction

这将安装库和CLI。 在Python代码中:



junction --help


Junction的工作原理是逐个提交检查Git存储库中所做的更改,并确定需要更改哪些内容才能反映这些更改。Junction(当前)期望管理整个space in Confluence。因此,当使用连接时,必须告诉它要将哪个空间作为目标并进行更新。您不能手动更改、创建或修改目标空间中的页面,否则Junction可能无法将Git中的状态与conference中的状态同步。在


页面将从文件名中获取标题,其内容将转换为聚合标记。见this example for what output looks like in Confluence。在


收集Junction将用于登录Confluence的一组凭据。您需要创建一个API token来代替密码。我建议您创建一个专用的用户帐户,其访问权限仅限于您要使用Junction管理的空间。在


├── (your code and other files)
└── docs/
    ├── Welcome.md
    ├── Installation.md
    └── Advanced Usage
    |   ├── Airflow.md
    |   ├── Visual Studio Online.md
    |   ├── Atlassian Bamboo.md
    |   └── GitHub Actions.md
    └── Credits.md


使用Junction的最简单方法是included CLIjunction

junction -s "SPACE_KEY" -c "https://jihugh.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api" -u "account@email.com" -p "YOUR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN" delta --content-path docs/ HEAD~5 master

You can put the API, user, and key into environment variables to avoid specifying them for every invocation of Junction. The variables are CONFLUENCE_API, CONFLUENCE_API_USER, and CONFLUENCE_API_KEY respectively.




Dry run example output


使用Python库可以创建自己的包装器和工具,例如flow DAG。下面是Python中上述CLI用法的等效用法:

frompathlibimportPathfromgitimportRepofromjunction.gitimportfind_commits_on_branch_after,filter_modifications_to_folder,get_modificationsfromjunction.deltaimportDeltafromjunction.confluenceimportConfluencecf=Confluence("https://jihugh.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api","account@email.com","YOUR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN","SPACE_KEY")repo=Repo(".").# current working directory must be the root of the Git repository for this to workcommits=find_commits_on_branch_after("master","HEAD~5",repo)deltas=[Delta.from_modifications(filter_modifications_to_folder(get_modification(commit),Path("docs/")))forcommitincommits]fordeltaindeltas:delta.execute(cf)



# Text

It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown. You can even [link to Google!](http://google.com).
Even some fancy formats like Subscripts~with tilde~ and Superscripts^with caret^.

# Lists

Sometimes you want numbered lists:

1. One
2. Two
3. Three

Sometimes you want bullet points:

* Start a line with a star
* Profit!


- Dashes work just as well
- And if you have sub points, put four spaces before the dash or star:
    - Like this
    - And this

# Headers

Sometimes it's useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a `#` to create headings. Multiple `##` in a row denote smaller heading sizes.

### This is a third-tier heading

You can use one `#` all the way up to `######` six for different heading sizes.

# Blockquotes

If you'd like to quote someone, use the > character before the line:

> Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.
> - Captain Janeway

# Code

You can embed `inline code fragments` by surrounding it in backticks.  For longer blocks of
code, use "code fencing":

if (isAwesome){
  return true

And if you'd like to use syntax highlighting, include the language:

    echo "Hello World"

# Tables

You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens `-` (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe `|`:

First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column

# Confluence-specific Elements

You can link to other wiki pages by referencing their page titles.  Use normal link syntax, but prepend a `&` like &[this](Page Title).

## Supported Macros

You can embed the Confluence child pages macro by placing it on its own line:


...or the table of contents macro:


## Status Blocks

You can create Confluence status macros (colored pills), including in the middle of the line &status-green:like this;

&status-green:Complete; &status-yellow:In Progress; &status-grey:Planning; &status-red:Failed; &status-blue:Unknown; &status-purple:Cancelled;

## Info Panels

Info: You can create info panels by prepending a paragraph with one of `Info:`, `Warning:`, `Error:`, or `Success:`.

Warning: The prefix will be removed from the contents.

Error: You cannot put multiple paragraphs inside an info panel, just a single block of text
like this.

Success: like other block elements, each info panel must be located on its own line (fenced between two new lines).


这是我的一个业余爱好项目,我可能不能立即按要求去做。如果你对投稿感兴趣,可以按the contribution guidelines打开一个公关。在

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