



  • 克里蒂克·赛斯

对于文档-向下滚动或click here


def make_train_数据集(行、转换行):

takes input of lines and conversations, returns a list of questions and answers

:type lines: string
:param lines: path were text file of lines is present

:type conv_lines: string
:param conv_lines: path were text file of conversations is present

def clean_train_数据集(文本):


def make_count_dict(q,a):

makes a dictionary of words

:type q: list
:param q: list of questions

:type a: list
:param a: list of answers

def count个稀有单词(cd,mincount):

counts the number of rare words

:type cd: dictionary
:param cd: count dictionary {word:key}

:type mincount: int
:param mincount: minimum length of a question

def make_word_dict(cd,mincount,tokens={''':0,':1,':2,':3}):

makes dictionary, returns mapping of word to key and key to word

:type cd: dictionary
:param cd: count dictionary {word:key}

:type mincount: int
:param mincount: min frequency of word such that it makes it into the word_dict

:type tokens: dictionary
:param tokens: default - {'<PAD>':0, '<SOS>':1, '<EOS>':2, '<UNK>':3}

def add_word_标记(q,a,wd):

takes input of {word:key} and adds tags to those words

:type q: list
:param q: list of questions

:type a: list
:param a: list of answers

:type wd: dict
:param wd: mapping of word to key

def make\u line_id(q,a,wd):

takes input list of questions or answers and word_dict and returns text converted to id

:type q: list
:param q: list of questions

:type a: list
:param a: list of answers

:type wd: dict
:param wd: mapping of word to key

def sort_line_pad(q,a,max_line_长度):

sorts questions and answers based on their length, returns sorted list of question or answer

:type q: list
:param q: list of questions

:type a: list
:param a: list of answers

:type max_line_length: int
:param max_line_length: maximum length of question or answer


def make_test_chatbot(目录路径,文件列表,ntest):

takes input of direcotory of file, list, and number of test cases

:type lines: string
:param lines: path were text file of lines is present

:type conv_lines: string
:param conv_lines: path were text file of lines is present

:type conv_lines: string
:param conv_lines: base path were text file of lines is present

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