使用Google MyActivity的数据生成睡眠时间、睡眠程序和应用程序使用情况的报告:myactivity.google.com



使用Google MyActivity的数据生成睡眠时间、睡眠程序和应用程序使用情况的报告:myactivity.google.com在


  1. 睡眠数据:

       Bed Time : Time at which User stops using phone and goes to bed.
       Wake Up Time : After bed time, the First Time at which User starts using phone.
  2. 在应用程序上花费的时间:应用程序和下一个应用程序的打开时间之间的时间差。在




pip install analyseGoogleMyActivity




from analyseGoogleMyActivity import androidReport
reports = androidReport()


reports = androidReport(file='takeout-2020XXXXTXXXXXXZ-001.zip')


file : str, optional
    Pass MyActivity JSON file or Takeout zip file with path. The default is 'MyActivity.json'.
apps : int or list , optional
    No. of Top Apps or List of Apps to find usage for. The default is 12.
timezone : str
    Pass the timezone region code. The default is 'in' for Indian Standard Time (IST).
excludeapps : List
    List of app names to Exclude from App Usage calculation. The default is ['com.miui.home' ].
idealsleeptime : int
    Ideal Sleep Time. The default is 8.
inlineimg : 0 or 1, 
    To include image in the Report itself or not. The default is 1.
showmarkerday: 0 or 1,
    To show day on each marker in sleep routine graphs. The default is 0.
output : 0 or 1, optional
    If 1 , Returns Dictionary with Results in Pandas DataFrames, otherwise returns Reports names. The default is 1.
yeartabs : 0 or 1, optional
    To Show Year & its Data in Tabs, The default is 1.
verbose : 0 or 1, optional
    Shows Additional Progess during Report Generation. The default is 0.

Dictionary if Parameter output = 1   OR
Tuple having Generated Report names if output = 0
Dictionary with Following Keys having Values 
'AppUsage': Time at which an App is opened, Pandas DataFrame
'AppDailyUsage': Day wise data of App opened, Pandas DataFrame
'SleepData': Bed Time & WakeUp Time with Sleep Duration , Pandas DataFrame
'SleepYearlyTable': Yearly Stats of Sleep Time & Sleep Routine
'SleepMonthlyTable': Monthly Stats of Sleep Time & Sleep Routine
'AppYearlyTable': Yearly App Usage Stats 
'AppMonthlyTable': Monthly App Usage Stats

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