有 Java 编程相关的问题?




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  1. # 1 楼答案


    Service-provider class for file systems. The methods defined by the Files class will typically delegate to an instance of this class. [emphasis added]


    Provides an interface to a file system and is the factory for objects to access files and other objects in the file system.

    The default file system, obtained by invoking the FileSystems.getDefault method, provides access to the file system that is accessible to the Java virtual machine. The FileSystems class defines methods to create file systems that provide access to other types of (custom) file systems.

    A file system is the factory for several types of objects: [emphasis added]

    • The getPath method converts a system dependent path string, returning a Path object that may be used to locate and access a file.

    • The getPathMatcher method is used to create a PathMatcher that performs match operations on paths.

    • The getFileStores method returns an iterator over the underlying file-stores.

    • The getUserPrincipalLookupService method returns the UserPrincipalLookupService to lookup users or groups by name.

    • The newWatchService method creates a WatchService that may be used to watch objects for changes and events.


    An object that may be used to locate a file in a file system. It will typically represent a system dependent file path.



    方法^{}^{}委托给default file system来创建Path的实例。当您将这些Path实例与Files中的方法一起使用时,您最终会访问主机平台的底层文件系统


