
2024-09-30 05:30:54 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

这是我写的代码,它运行得很好,这段代码的函数也是如此,除了一部分,当我问用户是否想再试一次的时候,如果他们选择了否,那么它就停止了,这是应该发生的。另一方面,如果他们说“是”,他们会得到另一个完全相同的提示“你想再试一次吗?”?(是/否)。你可以说y 100次,什么都不会发生,我的目标是让代码返回并从一开始就调用函数。我尝试了一个休息,如果用户说'y'试图摆脱循环等,但它没有工作,我现在不知道


import random

play = True
turnsleft = 1

#this is a function that is in charge of generating a random password
def generatePassword():
    generatePassword = [] #create an empty list
    for i in range(1,6):
    return generatePassword

'''this is a function that prompts the userfor their guess
the input will be comprimised of 5 different variables to store
the different numbers which will then all be added to the list of user number'''
def getUserGuess():
    getUserGuess = [] #create an empty list
    v1,v2,v3,v4,v5 = input("Please take a guess of the password by entering 5 numbers(comma between each): ").split(",")
    v1,v2,v3,v4,v5 = int(v1), int(v2), int(v3), int(v4), int(v5)
    for i in(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5):
    return getUserGuess

#this function will compare the cpu generated password to the user inputed numbers list
def reportResult(generatePassword,getUserGuess):
    correctdigits = 0
    correctlocations = 0
    global turnsleft #use the play variable initiated outside the funtion
    global play #use the play variable initiated outside the funtion

    while play is True:
        if getUserGuess == generatePassword:
            print("Congradulations! You have guessed the right password.")
        elif turnsleft == 0:
            print("You will never guess my password! It was " +str(generatePassword()))
            playagain = input("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ")
            if playagain == 'n':
                play = False
            turnsleft-= 1
            for e in getUserGuess():
                if e in generatePassword():
                    correctdigits+= 1
            for e in getUserGuess():
                if e in generatePassword():
                    correctlocations+= 1
            print(str(turnsleft) +" guesses left.")
            print(str(correctdigits) +" of 5 correct digits.")
            print(str(correctlocations) +" of 5 correct locations.")
    return reportResult

while play is True:

Tags: ofthetoinforplayispassword
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-30 05:30:54



elif turnsleft == 0:
        print("You will never guess my password! It was " +str(generatePassword()))
        turnsleft = 2 #<  Reset turns here!
        playagain = input("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ")
        if playagain == 'n':
            play = False


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