
2024-09-28 20:53:48 发布

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例如print ("3***cubed***")





height = input("Enter the height: ")
if int(height) <0:
    print("Please enter a number larger than 0")
    height = input("Enter the height: ")
if not int(height) < 2**31 - 1:
    print("You have not entered a number")
    height = input("Enter the height: ")
height = int(height)

width = input("Enter the width: ")
if int(height) <0:
    print("Please enter a number larger than 0")
    height = input("Enter the height: ")
if not int(height) < 2**31 - 1:
    print("You have not entered a number")
    height = input("Enter the height: ")
width = int(width)

length = input("Enter the length: ")
if int(length) <0:
    print("Please enter a number larger than 0")
    length = input("Enter the height: ")
if not int(length) < 2**31 - 1:
    print("You have not entered a number")
    length = input("Enter the length: ")
length = int(length)

volume = height*width*length

print ("The volume of the cuboid is" + str(volume) +"cm"

Tags: thenumberinputifnotwidthlengthint