
2024-09-29 18:35:38 发布

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当我运行代码时,它只在我按下按钮时工作一次,但在那之后,当我再次按下按钮时,什么也没有发生。拜托,我是新手,所以请容忍我 下面是我的代码:

from Tkinter import*
import random

class Love:
    def __init__(self):
        window = Tk()
        window.title("Love Calculator")

        frame1 = Frame(window)
        self.lbl = Label(frame1, fg="white", bg = "blue",            text = "Love is Pure" )
        self.lbl2= Label(frame1, fg="White", bg = "red", width="50", text = "are you meant for one another")
        self.lbl3= Label(frame1, fg="white", bg = "green",           text = "Let FIND OUT!!" )

        frame2 = Frame(window)
        label  = Label(frame2, text = "Your Name")
        label2 = Label(frame2, text = "Your Lovers name")

        self.msg = StringVar()
        entry1 = Entry(frame2, textvariable = self.msg)

        self.out = StringVar()
        entry2 = Entry(frame2, textvariable = self.out)

        btCalculate=Button(frame2, command=self.processButton, text="Calculate" )
        btClear=Button(    frame2, command=self.clear_textbox, text="Try Another Name" )

        label.grid(       row=1,column=1)          # .GUI-geometry
        label2.grid(      row=2,column=1)
        entry1.grid(      row=1,column=2)
        entry2.grid(      row=2,column=2)
        btCalculate.grid( row=6,column=6,sticky=E)
        btClear.grid(     row=6,column=5)

        window.mainloop()                          # .GUI-control-loop

    def clear_textbox(self,):                      # .CMD callbackHANDLER
        entry1.delete(0, END)
        entry2.delete(0, END)

    def processButton(self):                       # .CMD callbackHANDLER
        example = [ 'Enter a name','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','OMG could this be love','Till death do you apart','are crazy lovers','are romantic overs','O feeli wo!','are friends','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','Eii OMG could this be love','Till death do you apart','crazy lovers','romantic lovers','O feeli wo!', 'are friends','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','OMG, could this be love','Till death do you apart','are crazy lovers','are romantic lovers','O feeli wo!','are friends','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','OMG could this be love','Till death do you apart','are crazy lovers','are romantic lovers','O feeli wo!','are friends','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','Eii OMG could this be love','Till death do you apart','crazy lovers','romantic lovers','O feeli wo!','are friends','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','OMG, could this be love','Till death do you apart','are crazy lovers','are romantic lovers','O feeli wo!','are friends','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','OMG could this be love','Till death do you apart','are crazy lovers','are romantic lovers','O feeli wo!','are friends','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','Eii OMG could this be love','Till death do you apart','crazy lovers','romantic lovers','O feeli wo!','are friends','are lovers','are admirers','are suppose to marry','are enemies','are secrete lovers','OMG, could this be love','Till death do you apart','are crazy lovers','are romantic lovers','O feeli wo!']
        brief   = [ 'Enter a name','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap, they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers','their friendship will thrive through the storms of life till eternity','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap,they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers','their friendship will thrive through the storms of life till eternity','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap,they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers','their friendship will thrive through the storms of life till eternity','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap, they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers','their friendship will thrive through the storms of life till eternity','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap,they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers','their friendship will thrive through the storms of life till eternity','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap,they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers','their friendship will thrive through the storms of life till eternity','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap, they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers','their friendship will thrive through the storms of life till eternity','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap,they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers','their friendship will thrive through the storms of life till eternity','Lovers, who will not allow anything to come between them no matter what,They will eventually get married','They might me admirers although, buh one of them is hiding some emotions, that will one day break his or her heart','Thier marriage will endure and truimph over every trouble, Always together','They are not actually enemies buh, due to one act or a reason they dont wanna be friends for now, buh i bet one day, friendship will be their portion','The Guy is afraid to make a step, the girl think i might be too cheap,they end up leaving their burning desires to the wind, buh hey one day they might make it together in marriage','It depends it might be love, it could also be illusions, so hey becareful','They are Almost at verge of marriage buh could also be very good friends till death do them apart','Crazy as it may seem, they really love each other and nothing will stop them','This guys are romantically bonded, they have sexual desires for each other, buh thats not very helthy, Because it always leads to nothing',' Just like each other and can really be fun, cause they almost like admirers']
                                                   # .SET <brief> a smarter way ( original post was a longest list on screen as an example "ever-seen", be a bit more polite, sir
        self.out   = str(self.out)
        self.msg   = str(self.msg)
        Len1       = len(self.out)
        Len2       = len(self.msg)
        Len        = (Len2+Len1)-3
        self.out   = example[Len]
        self.msg   = brief[Len]
        Percentage = "You're",random.randint(20,100),"% in love"

        Percentage = str(Percentage)
        self.lbl[ "text"]="You are",self.out
        self.lbl2["text"]= self.msg
        self.lbl3["text"]= Percentage



Tags: toselfitbeonewillaremight
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-29 18:35:38



    Len1 = len(self.out)
    Len2 =len(self.msg)

    Len1 = len(entry1str)
    Len2 =len(entry2str)



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