
2024-09-27 19:14:43 发布

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我有个问题。即使在不同的def函数中,如何使变量保持定义状态?我有一个函数,用于查看有多少个AIs a user wants,例如,如果他们选择“一”作为他们想要的AIs数量AI1 would be equal 1。这里定义了AI1:

def AISection():#Same as line 1
    global AI1, AI2, AI3
    print("How many AIs do you want to play with?\nChoices:\n1. One\n2. Two\n3. Three")
    #Asks user next question.
    #Same as line 4.
        UserInput = input("Answer goes here:")
        #same as line 6
        if(UserInput in ['ONE', 'One', 'one']):
        #Same as line 8
            AI1 = 1
            #Only AI1 will be activated.
            #Same as line 

所以如果他们只choose 'One'的话。一旦发生这种情况,用户将能够选择多少卡,他们想要的。这是基于他们希望激活多少个AIs,因此在上一段中One将被选中,因此他们可以从下面代码中的3个不同卡金额中进行选择:

def CardsSection():#Same as line 1
    global AI1, AI2, AI3#Makes sure the AIs are equal to something
    print("How many cards do you want in your hand?")
    #Asks the user for an amount of cards the users wants.
    if(AI1 == 1) and (AI2 == 2):
    #If they choose 2 AIs.
        print("Choices:\n1. Four\n2. Six\n3. Eight")
        #This is so an even amount of cards will be distributed from the deck.
    elif(AI1 == 1) or (AI1 == 1) and (AI3 == 3):
    #If they choose 1 AI or 3 AIs.
        print("Choices:\n1. Five\n2. Seven\n3. Nine")
        #Same is line 68.

但是当我运行代码时,它到达了def CardsSection(AI1定义在AI1节之后的那一节)。然后给了我一个错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "python", line 81, in <module>
  File "python", line 68, in CardsSection
NameError: name 'AI1' is not defined


def StartSection():#The starting section.
    print("Do you want to play?\nChoices:\n1. Yes\n2. No")
    #Asks the user a question.
        #Loops if user doesn't answer properly. 
        UserInput = input("Answer goes here:")
        #Prompts the users.
        if(UserInput in ['YES', 'Yes', 'yes']): 
        #If user says yes.
            print("Great! Now choose your 'AI Settings'.")
            #Praises the user & tells user about next prompt.
            #Stops the loop. Continues to next prompt.
        elif(UserInput in ['NO', 'No', 'no']): 
            #Else, if User says no.
            print("Bye bye!")
            #Farewells to the user.
            #Ends Code.
        #Else user types neither 'Yes' or 'No'.
            print("That is not a choice! Please try again.")
            #Tells user to choose again.
            print("Here are the choices:\n1. Yes\n2. No")
            #Tells user their choices again; goes back to start.
StartSection()#Ends the section of code.
def AISection():#Same as line 1
    global AI1, AI2, AI3
    print("How many AIs do you want to play with?\nChoices:\n1. One\n2. Two\n3. Three")
    #Asks user next question.
    #Same as line 4.
        UserInput = input("Answer goes here:")
        #same as line 6
        if(UserInput in ['ONE', 'One', 'one']):
        #Same as line 8
            AI1 = 1
            #Only AI1 will be activated.
            #Same as line 12
        elif(UserInput in ['TWO', 'Two', 'two']):
        #Same as line 14
            AI1 = 1
            AI2 = 2
            #AI1 and AI2 are activated. AI3 is not activated.
            #Same as line 12
        elif(UserInput in ['THREE', 'Three', 'three']):
        #Same as line 14
            AI1 = 1
            AI2 = 2
            AI3 = 3
            #All 3 AIs are activated.
            #Same as line 12
            print("That is not a choice! Pleasse try again.")
            #Same as line 22
            print("Here are your choices:\n1. One\n2. Two\n3. Three")
            #Same as line 24
    print("You selested %s AIs" % (UserInput[0].upper()+UserInput[1::1].lower()))
    #Tells the user that what they select while keeping it in a upper-lower case fashion.
AISection()#Same as line 26
def CardsSection():#Same as line 1
    global AI1, AI2, AI3#Makes sure the AIs are equal to something
    print("How many cards do you want in your hand?")
    #Asks the user for an amount of cards the users wants.
    if(AI1 == 1) and (AI2 == 2):
    #If they choose 2 AIs.
        print("Choices:\n1. Four\n2. Six\n3. Eight")
        #This is so an even amount of cards will be distributed from the deck.
    elif(AI1 == 1) or (AI1 == 1) and (AI3 == 3):
    #If they choose 1 AI or 3 AIs.
        print("Choices:\n1. Five\n2. Seven\n3. Nine")
        #Same is line 68.
        print("Something didn't go right!")
        #If they happened to choose neither 1, 2, or 3 AIs.
        return StartSection()
        #Returns them basck to start.


Tags: thetoinaslinesameprintai2


def AISection():
    global AI1, AI2, AI3
    AI1 = 0
    AI2 = 0
    AI3 = 0
    print("How many AIs do you want to play with?\nChoices:\n1. One\n2. Two\n3. Three")
    while True:
        UserInput = input("Answer goes here:")
        if UserInput.lower() == "one":
            AI1 = 1


def AISection():
    global AI1, AI2, AI3
    AI1 = 0
    AI2 = 0
    AI3 = 0
    print("How many AIs do you want to play with?\nChoices:\n1. One\n2. Two\n3. Three")
    while True:
        UserInput = input("Answer goes here:")
        if UserInput.lower() == "one":
            AI1 += 1

def CardsSection():
    global AI1, AI2, AI3
    print("How many cards do you want in your hand?")
    if AI1 == 1 and AI2 == 2:
        print("Choices:\n1. Four\n2. Six\n3. Eight")
    elif AI1 == 1 or AI1 == 1 and AI3 == 3:
          print("Choices:\n1. Five\n2. Seven\n3. Nine")


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