
2024-09-30 20:28:20 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


像“Ello world”这样的字符串应该看起来像“Ollo werld”,但问题是我的函数将原始字符串返回为“Ollo werld”。你知道吗

Tags: 函数字符串text文本列表world空间item
def reversevowel(text):
    cap_indexes = [a for a, b in enumerate(text) if b.isupper()]
    text = list(text.lower())
    vowels = ('aeiouAEIOU')

    x = 0
    y = len(text) - 1

    while x < y:
        while (text[x] not in vowels and x < min(len(text) - 1, y)):
            x += 1

        while (text[y] not in vowels and y > max(0, x)):
            y -= 1

        text[x], text[y] = text[y], text[x]
        x += 1
        y -= 1

    for n in cap_indexes:
        text[n] = text[n].upper()

    return ''.join(text)


text[x] = text[x].upper()


def reversevowel(text):
    vowels = 'aeiouAEIOU'

    text_list = list(text)

    char_position = []
    char_uppercase = []
    char_list = []

    # Iterate through characters in text
    for i, c in enumerate(text_list):
        if c in vowels:
            char_position.append(i)  # Add vowel position to list
            char_uppercase.append(c.isupper())  # Add uppercase boolean to list
            char_list.insert(0, c)  # Use as stack. Insert character

    zipped_list = list(zip(char_position, char_list, char_uppercase))

    for letter in zipped_list:
        position, character, uppercase = letter
        text_list[position] = str(character).upper() if uppercase else str(character).lower()

    return ''.join(text_list)


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