
2024-10-04 01:36:07 发布

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from Tkinter import *
import random 

root = Tk()

def phealth():     #playerhealth
def mhealth(): #monsterhealth
def pheal():    #playerheal
def mheal(): #monsterheal
def pattackf(): #player attack value
def mattackf(): #monster attack value
def attackm(): #attack monster
def attackp(): #attack player
def healhm(): #heal monster
def healp(): #heal player
def middleClick(event):

print('welcome to monsterland, try not to die')
print('It is time to name your character, what would you like to be called?')
player1= raw_input()

playername = Label(root, text = "PLAYER NAME: " + str.upper(player1), fg="Red")
playername.grid(row=0, column= 2, sticky= "E")

attack = Label(root, text= "Attack Monster")
attack.grid(row=0,column=0, sticky="W")

attackbutton = Button(root, text = 10)

heal = Label(root, text= "Heal Self")
heal.grid(row=1,column=0, sticky="W")

healbutton = Button(root, text = 12)

playerhealth = Label(root, text= "Player Health")
playerhealth.grid(row=2,column=0, sticky="W")

phealthdisplay = Label(root,text= 100)

monsterhealth = Label(root, text= "Monster Health")
monsterhealth.grid(row=3,column=0, sticky="W")

mhealthdisplay = Label(root, text= 100)



我想能够从mhealthdisplay中按下player attack和minus,我还想按下player heal和plus heal按钮value来显示player health上面的def函数是我在等式中使用的尝试,但是已经删除了,因为它们不在上面工作,无法演示当前的尝试。非常感谢。你知道吗

Tags: totextdefcolumnrootlabelgridrow
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-04 01:36:07


def mattackf(): #monster attack value
    # (10) is just the same as if you write 10
    # it creates an int object with value 10
    # and does nothing with it
    # I guess you wanted to assign 10 to a 
    # variable called attackf (see my suggestion)

def attackm(): #attack monster
# this code subtracts what is named pattackf
# from what is named mhealt
# in your case both are functions
# if you want to execute this code, you have
# to call it like with
# attackm()
# this will rais an error and say, that it can't
# subtract a function from another function
# I guess you wanted to decrease mhealth (see below)


# define phealth and mhealth to be the variables 
# of the health value with which you can calculate
# and set them to 100/99, then you would do:
phealth= 100
mhealth= 99

# use a fixed value whenever the heal button for
# the monster is pressed and a random value to
# be used whenever the heal button for the player 
# is used:
mheal=    10

def pheal():    #playerheal
    return rand.randint(1, 10)

# now the functions to apply those heal values:

def healhm(): #heal monster
    # the global statement tells python that
    # you work with the globally defined variables
    # otherwise it would assume, that the
    # variables are only visible in the function
    global mhealth, mheal
    # add the value in mheal to the value of mhealth
    # and store the result in mhealth
    mhealth= mhealth + mheal

def healp(): #heal player
    # again tell python that pheal is a global name
    global phealth
    print 'healing player', phealth
    # like for mheal, but this time we
    # call pheal() and add it's return
    # value to phealth
    phealth= phealth + pheal()

def attackm(): #attack monster
    global mhealth, pattackf
    mhealth= mhealth-pattackf


attackbutton = Button(root, text = 10, command=lambda: attackm())

healbutton = Button(root, text = 12, command=lambda:healp())


v_pname= tk.StringVar()
v_pname.set('Enter the Name here')

playerentry= Entry(root, textvariable=v_pname)
playerentry.grid(row=0, column= 3, sticky= "E")


playername = Label(root, text = "PLAYER NAME:", fg="Red")
playername.grid(row=0, column= 3, sticky= "W")

还有一个建议: 你好像在用Pyhton2。如果你现在正在学习Python,你应该考虑直接学习Python3。因此,如果您在Python3中也找到了教程,请尝试切换到这个版本,如果没有,您也可以继续使用Python2,但是您可能找不到所有的库,您需要稍后才能找到,因为对Python2的支持正在减少。不幸的是,Python2和Python3有一些更大的区别。例如,将某些内容打印到控制台的方式不同,其他部分也有点不同(如输入、范围和除以整数)。如果你直接在Python3中学习,你就不需要重新学习什么是不同的。你知道吗

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