
2024-09-29 23:23:33 发布

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class MyTestClass:

    def __init__(self, foo):
        self.foo = foo

    def radius(self):
        return self.__foo

    def radius(self, foo):
        self.__foo = foo






using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace SampleWithProperties
    public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute
        public string Val1;
        public string Val2;

        public MyCustomAttribute(string val1,string val2)
            Val2 = val2;
            Val1 = val1;

    public class Foo
        public string PropertyA { get; set; }

        public int PropertyB { get; set; }

        public string PropertyC { get; set; }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Show that we can figure out which properties have the custom attribute,
            // and that we can get the values for Val1 and Val2

            foreach(PropertyInfo propertyInfo in typeof(Foo).GetProperties())
                Console.WriteLine("Found a property named "+propertyInfo.Name);

                foreach(Attribute attribute in propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
                    Console.WriteLine("Found a MyCustomAttribute on the property.");

                    MyCustomAttribute myCustomAttribute = attribute as MyCustomAttribute;

                    Console.WriteLine("Val1 = " + myCustomAttribute.Val1);
                    Console.WriteLine("Val2 = " + myCustomAttribute.Val2);


            // Show that the properties can be used like normal

            Foo foo = new Foo {PropertyA = "X", PropertyB = 2, PropertyC = "Z"};
            Console.WriteLine("Created an instance of Foo just for fun.  Its property values are "+


Tags: selfgetstring属性foodefpropertypublic


def declarativeInfo(*args, **kwargs):
    def wrapper(obj):
        for arg in args:
            setattr(obj, arg, arg)
        for k, v in kwargs:
            setattr(obj, k, v)
        return obj
    return wrapper

class MyTestClass:

    def __init__(self, foo):
        print MyTestClass.__dict__
        self.radius = self.Radius('foo')

    class Radius(object):
        def __init__(self, foo):
            self.value = foo

a = MyTestClass('foo')

print a.radius.value
print a.radius.a




class MyCustomDescriptor:

    def __init__(self,val1,val2):d
        self._val1 = val1
        self._val2 = val2

    def val1(self): return self._val1

    def val2(self): return self._val2

    def __call__(self,decorated_method_reference):
        self._decorated_method_reference = decorated_method_reference
        return self

    def __get__(self,instance,type=None):

        if not instance:
            return self

        return self._decorated_method_reference(instance)

class Foo:

    def __init__(self,attribute_a_value,attribute_b_value,attribute_c_value):
        self._attribute_a_value = attribute_a_value
        self._attribute_b_value = attribute_b_value
        self._attribute_c_value = attribute_c_value

    def attribute_a(self): return self._attribute_a_value

    def attribute_b(self): return self._attribute_b_value

    def attribute_c(self): return self._attribute_c_value

# Show that by inspecting class Foo we can figure out which attribute are marked with MyCustomDescriptor and that
# we can get the values for val1 and val2.  We don't even need an instance of Foo to do this.  The class itself is sufficient.

print("Inspecting class Foo.  Looking for attributes marked with MyCustomDescriptor...")

for attribute_name in dir(Foo):

    attribute_as_object = getattr(Foo,attribute_name)

    if type(attribute_as_object) == MyCustomDescriptor:
        print("attribute "+attribute_name+" is decorated with MyCustomDescriptor.  val1="+attribute_as_object.val1+" val2="+attribute_as_object.val2)

# Show that the properties on Foo work like normal properties.  Note that I skipped implementing setters but could have done so.

foo_instance = Foo(attribute_a_value="X",attribute_b_value=2,attribute_c_value="Z")

print("Created an instance of Foo just for fun.  It's property values are "+str(foo_instance.attribute_a)+", "+str(foo_instance.attribute_b)+", "+str(foo_instance.attribute_c))


Inspecting class Foo.  
Looking for attributes marked with MyCustomDescriptor...
attribute attribute_a is decorated with MyCustomDescriptor.  
val1=abc val2=def
attribute attribute_b is decorated with MyCustomDescriptor.  
val1=xyz val2=X
Created an instance of Foo just for fun.  
It's property values are X, 2, Z

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