
2024-09-29 19:21:11 发布

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    textfile = open(logfile, 'r')
    filetext = textfile.read()
    matchesBegin = re.search(BeginSearchDVar, filetext)
    matchesEnd = re.search(EndinSearchDVar, filetext)
    if matchesBegin is not None and matchesEnd is not None:
        LRangeA = SeeIfExactRangeIsFound()
        PatternCount = len(LRangeA)
        LRange = '\n'.join(LRangeA)


Tags: 文件方法代码renonesearchis模式
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-29 19:21:11


Memory-mapping a file uses the operating system virtual memory system to access the data on the file system directly, instead of using normal I/O functions. Memory-mapping typically improves I/O performance because it does not involve a separate system call for each access and it does not require copying data between buffers – > the memory is accessed directly by both the kernel and the user application.

import mmap
import re

# Create pattern with all, ignore case, and multi line flags.
# search for every instance of `stackoverflow` within a sentence.
pattern =  re.compile( rb'(\.\W+)?([^.]?stackoverflow[^.]*?\.)',
                       re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE )

# open file using 'with' which initializes and finalizes an instance
with open( log_file, "r" ) as file:
    # create new instance of mmap
    with mmap.mmap( file.fileno(), # fileno returns file descriptor for IO
                    0, # size in bytes for how much to map (if 0 then entire file)
                    access = mmap.ACCESS_READ # set access flag to read
                  ) as m: # name instance `m`
        matches = pattern.findall( m ) # find all patterns in mapped file
        print( "Matches: " + len( matches ) )
        for match in matches:
            print( match.group(0) )


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