字符串python中的Foreach char

2024-09-27 21:32:39 发布

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word = input("Player 1, please enter a word: ")
lives = 5
print("Player 2, you have {} lives left.".format(lives))
print("The Word: ", "_ " * len(word))
wordSuccessfullyGuessed = False
while lives > 0 or wordGuessed: 
    guess = input("Player 2, guess a letter: ")
    wordFormatted = ""
    for char in word:
        if char in guess:
            wordFormatted = char + " "
            wordFormatted = "_ "


Tags: in应用程序input玩家事情wordplayerprint


def hangman_print(guess_lst, word):
    lst = []
    for x in word:
        lst.append(x if x in guess_lst else '_')

hangman_print(['l', 't'], 'telescope')


word = input("Player 1, please enter a word: ").lstrip().rstrip().lower()
wordBlank = ['_ ' for char in word]
lives = 5
wordLen = len(word)
wordSuccessfullyGuessed = False
wordFormatted = ""
wordGuessed = False
while lives > 0 or wordGuessed:
    guess = ''
    validGuess = False
    print("Player 2, you have {} lives left.".format(lives))
    while len(guess) != 1 or guess.isalpha() == False:
        guess = input('Enter one letter to guess: ').lower()
        characterIteration = 0
        for char in word:
            if guess == char:
                validGuess = True
                wordBlank[characterIteration] = guess+' '
            characterIteration += 1
    if validGuess == False:
        lives -= 1
    print("The Word: ", ''.join(wordBlank))
    if '_ ' not in wordBlank:
        wordGuessed = True
if wordGuessed == True:
    print('You won! The word was indeed', word)
if wordGuessed == False:
    print("You didn't win this time, the word was",word)


Player 1, please enter a word: trees
The Word:  _ _ _ _ _
Player 2, you have 5 lives left.
Enter one letter to guess: a
The Word:  _ _ _ _ _
Player 2, you have 4 lives left.
Enter one letter to guess: e
The Word:  _ _ e e _
Player 2, you have 4 lives left.
Enter one letter to guess: t
The Word:  t _ e e _
Player 2, you have 4 lives left.
Enter one letter to guess: r
The Word:  t r e e _
Player 2, you have 4 lives left.
Enter one letter to guess: s
The Word:  t r e e s
You won! The word was indeed trees


for char in word:
        if char in guess:
            wordFormatted += char + " "
            wordFormatted += "_ "

似乎还需要在while循环的每次迭代中重新分配wordFormatted = ""。这将以每一次猜测来澄清这个词。可能也想看看。你知道吗

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