
2024-10-01 13:26:42 发布

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  1. ACCT 221 Principles of Accounting II (3) Prerequisite: ACCT 220
  2. ASTD 485 Issues in East Asian Studies (3) (Intended as a final capstone course to be taken in a student's last 15 credits.) Prerequisites: ASTD 284 (or ASTD 150) and 285 (or ASTD 160).
  3. ASTR 100 Introduction to Astronomy (3) (Not open to students who have taken or are taking any astronomy course numbered 250 or higher. For students not majoring or minoring in a science.) Prerequisite: MATH 012 or higher.
  4. ASTD 380 American Relations with China and Japan: 1740 to Present (3) (Fulfills the general education requirement in the social sciences.) A study of American political, economic, and cultural relations with China and Japan from the American colonial era to modern times…

我想让表达式找到的是以课程代码i.e. ACCT 221开始并以包含前提条件的句子结束的字符串。在某些情况下,将不会有一个先决条件句,如例4所示。你知道吗


[A-Z]{4} \d{3}(?:(?![A-Z]{4}).){4,100} \(\d\).*?\.(?!\))





Tags: orandoftheto字符串in示例


[A-Z]{4} \d{3}(?:(?=([^.()]+))\1|\([^)]*\))+\.


txt = """
ACCT 221 Principles of Accounting II (3) Prerequisite: ACCT 220.
ASTD 485 Issues in East Asian Studies (3) (Intended as a final capstone course to be
taken in a student's last 15 credits.) Prerequisites: ASTD 284 (or ASTD 150) and 285
(or ASTD 160).
ASTR 100 Introduction to Astronomy (3) (Not open to students who have taken or are
taking any astronomy course numbered 250 or higher. For students not majoring or
minoring in a science.) Prerequisite: MATH 012 or higher."""

pat = re.compile([A-Z]{4}.*?Prerequisites?.*?\.)
courses = pat.findall(txt)
for course in courses:

ACCT 221 Principles of Accounting II (3) Prerequisite: ACCT 220.

ASTD 485 Issues in East Asian Studies (3) (Intended as a final capstone course to be
taken in a student's last 15 credits.) Prerequisites: ASTD 284 (or ASTD 150) and 285
(or ASTD 160).

ASTR 100 Introduction to Astronomy (3) (Not open to students who have taken or are
taking any astronomy course numbered 250 or higher. For students not majoring or
minoring in a science.) Prerequisite: MATH 012 or higher.


import re

text = '''\
ACCT 221 Principles of Accounting II (3) Prerequisite: ACCT 220
ASTD 485 Issues in East Asian Studies (3) (Intended as a final capstone course to be taken in a student's last 15 credits.) Prerequisites: ASTD 284 (or ASTD 150) and 285 (or ASTD 160).
ASTR 100 Introduction to Astronomy (3) (Not open to students who have taken or are taking any astronomy course numbered 250 or higher. For students not majoring or minoring in a science.) Prerequisite: MATH 012 or higher.
ASTD 380 American Relations with China and Japan: 1740 to Present (3) (Fulfills the general education requirement in the social sciences.) A study of American political, economic, and cultural relations with China and Japan from the American colonial era to modern times'''

for line in text.splitlines():
    course=re.match(r'([A-Z]{4}\s+\d{3})', line).group(1)
    m=re.search(r'Prerequisites?:\s*(.*)', line)
    if m:


for course in sorted(courses.keys()):
    print '{}\t{}'.format(course, courses[course]) 


ACCT 221    ACCT 220
ASTD 380    None
ASTD 485    ASTD 284 (or ASTD 150) and 285 (or ASTD 160).
ASTR 100    MATH 012 or higher.

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