
2024-09-28 03:24:29 发布

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leid     run_seq     cp_id     products    currency     amount
101           1       201        A           YEN         345
102           2       201        B           INR         223
101           2       202        A           USD         845
102           3       201        C           USD         345
102           3       203        A           INR         747


leid     run_seq     current                                     History
101           1       {201:{A:{YEN:345}}}                          {}
102           2       {201:{B:{INR:223}}}                          {}
101           2       {202:{A:{USD:845}}}                          {201:{A:{YEN:345}}}
102           3       {201:{C:{USD:773}},203:{A:{INR:747 }         {201:{B:{INR:223}}}

给出上下文并解释问题:run\ seq可以被视为date,如果run seq=1,则是第一天,因此leid=101可能没有历史记录,因此字典为空。 当前条目是指特定run_seq上的条目。你知道吗

例如:如果leid 101在run seq 1上执行两个事务,那么如果在同一run seq上有两个不同的cp id对应于相同的leid,则当前将是{201:{A:{YEN:345}}, 202:{B:{USD:INR}}}。如果两个特定leid和run seq的cp\u id相同,但购买不同的产品,则为{201:{A:{YEN:345},B:{USD:828}}};如果相同cp_id,则在相同run_seq上相同product,然后相同{201:{A:{YEN:345, USD:734}}};如果特定leid和run seq的cp\u id相同cp_idproductcurrency,则添加amnt,即{201:{A:{YEN:345, YEN:734}}},结果将为{201:{A:{YEN:1079}}}

一个特定的leid在一个给定的run_seq would的字典是所有前run_seq的所有可能字典的组合。例如:如果run\ seq=5,则历史记录将是run\ seq=1、2、3、4的所有嵌套dict的组合,用于run\ seq上的特定leid。你知道吗

请注意,在输出中的特定run\ seq上应该只有一个惟一的leid。你知道吗


Tags: 数据runid历史记录字典条目currentproduct


import pandas as pd, numpy as np
import io

# My test data:
text="""leid  run_seq  cp_id products currency  amount
0      101.0      1.0  201.0        A      YEN   345.0
1      102.0      2.0  201.0        B      INR   223.0
2      101.0      2.0  202.0        A      USD   845.0
3      102.0      3.0  201.0        C      USD   345.0
4      101.0      1.0  201.0        A      YEN   100.0
5      101.0      1.0  203.0        B     EURO   200.0
6      101.0      1.0  203.0        C      AUD   300.0"""

df= pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(text),sep=r"\s+",engine="python").sort_values(["leid","run_seq"])
G= df.groupby(["leid","run_seq"],sort=False)

def mkdict(grp):
    # Out: {201:{A:{YEN:345}}}
    for r in grp.itertuples():
        d_prod= d_cpid.setdefault(r.cp_id, {} )     # {201:{}
        d_curr= d_prod.setdefault(r.products,{})    # {201:{A:{}
        d_curr[r.currency]= d_curr.get(r.currency,0)+r.amount   # {201:{A:{YEN:

    return d_cpid

rslt= G.apply(lambda grp: mkdict(grp))
rslt= rslt.reset_index().rename(columns={0:"current"})

G1= rslt.groupby("leid")
for key,grp in G1:
    lv= grp["current"].values
    for i in range(1,len(lv)):

rslt["history"]= L


import pandas as pd, numpy as np
import io

# My test data
text="""leid  run_seq  cp_id products currency  amount
0      101.0      1.0  201.0        A      YEN   345.0
1      102.0      2.0  201.0        B      INR   223.0
2      101.0      2.0  202.0        A      USD   845.0
3      102.0      3.0  201.0        C      USD   345.0
4      101.0      1.0  201.0        A      YEN   100.0
5      101.0      1.0  203.0        B      EUR   200.0
6      101.0      1.0  203.0        C      AUD   300.0
7      101.0      3.0  204.0        D      INR   400.0
8      101.0      2.0  203.0        B      EUR   155.0

df= pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(text),sep=r"\s+",engine="python").sort_values(["leid","run_seq"])
G= df.groupby(["leid","run_seq"],sort=False)

# This function works on a groupby object, and returns list of tuples:
def mklist(grp):
    return [ (r.cp_id,r.products,r.currency,r.amount) for r in grp.itertuples()]

# It makes dictionary from a list of tuples:
def mkdict(lt):

    # Out: { {201:{A:{YEN:345}}}, ... }
    for cpid,prod,curr,amnt in lt:
        d_prod= d_cpid.setdefault(cpid, {})    # {201:{}
        d_curr= d_prod.setdefault(prod,{})      # {201:{A:{}
        d_curr[curr]= d_curr.get(curr,0)+amnt   # {201:{A:{YEN:

    return d_cpid

rslt= G.apply(lambda grp: mklist(grp) )
rslt= rslt.reset_index().rename(columns={0:"current"})

G1= rslt.groupby("leid")
for key,grp in G1:
    lv= grp["current"].values
    for i in range(1,len(lv)):
        L.append( [t for l in lv[:i] for t in l] )

rslt["history"]= [ mkdict(l) for l in L ]
rslt["current"]= [ mkdict(l) for l in rslt.current.values ]





# defined the table copied from your question

table = """
leid     run_seq     cp_id     products    currency     amount
101           1       201        A           YEN         345
102           1       201        A           IDR         900
102           2       201        B           INR         223
101           2       202        A           USD         845
102           3       201        C           USD         345

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

with open("stackoverflow.csv", "w") as f:

df = pd.read_csv("stackoverflow.csv", delim_whitespace=True)
df = df.sort_values(by = ["leid", "run_seq"]).reset_index(drop = True)
# assigned using pandas apply in axis = 1
df["current"] = df.apply(lambda x: {x["cp_id"]: {x["products"]: {x["currency"]: x["amount"]}}}, axis = 1)

# defining a function to merge dictionaries
def Merge(dict1, dict2): 
    res = {**dict1, **dict2} 
    return res 

# defining a customised cumulative function dictionary
def cumsumdict(data):

    current_dict = [{}]

    for i in range(1, data.shape[0]):
        cp_id = list(data["current"].iloc[i-1])[0]
        product = list(data["current"].iloc[i-1][cp_id])[0]
        currency = list(data["current"].iloc[i-1][cp_id][product])[0]
        if cp_id in current_dict[-1]:
            # merge cp_id using dictionary merge if exist in previous trx
            cp_merger = Merge(current_dict[-1][cp_id], data["current"].iloc[i-1][cp_id])
            appender = current_dict[-1]
            appender[cp_id] = cp_merger
            if product in current_dict[-1][cp_id]:
                # merge products using dictionary merge if exist in previous trx
                product_merger = Merge(current_dict[-1][cp_id][product], data["current"].iloc[i-1][cp_id][product])
                appender = current_dict[-1]
                appender[cp_id][product] = product_merger
                if currency in current_dict[-1][cp_id][product]:
                    # sum the currency value 
                    currency_merger = current_dict[-1][cp_id][product][currency] + data["current"].iloc[i-1][cp_id][product][currency]
                    appender = current_dict[-1]
                    appender[cp_id][product][currency] = currency_merger

            appender = Merge(current_dict[-1], data["current"].iloc[i-1])


    data["history"] = current_dict

    return data

df = df.groupby(["leid"]).apply(cumsumdict)
df = df[["leid", "run_seq", "current", "history"]]


  leid  run_seq                     current  \
0   101        1  {201: {'A': {'YEN': 345}}}   
3   101        2  {202: {'A': {'USD': 845}}}   
1   102        1  {201: {'A': {'IDR': 900}}}   
2   102        2  {201: {'B': {'INR': 223}}}   
4   102        3  {201: {'C': {'USD': 345}}}   

0                                             {}  
3                     {201: {'A': {'YEN': 345}}}  
1                                             {}  
2  {201: {'A': {'IDR': 900}, 'B': {'INR': 446}}}  
4  {201: {'A': {'IDR': 900}, 'B': {'INR': 446}}}  

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