
2024-10-01 09:39:54 发布

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  • 黄金,1条,每条重量5,每条价值750
  • 银,1条,每条重量1,每条价值400
  • 铑,1 bar,每bar 4重量,每bar 500值
  • 铂金,1巴,每巴重量6,每巴价值1000


class Metal(rit_object):
    Represents a single metal type, composed of:
    :slot name (str): The name of the metal
    :slot totalBars (int): The total number of bars
    :slot weightPerBar (int): The weight of a single bar
    :slot valuePerBar (int): The value of a single bar
    :slot valuePerWeight (float): The value per weight of the metal
    :slot barsTaken (int): The number of bars added to the satchel

    __slots__ = ( 'name' ,  'totalBars' , 'weightPerBar', 'valuePerBar', 'valuePerWeight', 'barsTaken'  )
    _types = ( str , int , int, int, float, int )



class Metal(rit_object):
    Represents a single metal type, composed of:
    :slot name (str): The name of the metal
    :slot totalBars (int): The total number of bars
    :slot weightPerBar (int): The weight of a single bar
    :slot valuePerBar (int): The value of a single bar
    :slot valuePerWeight (float): The value per weight of the metal
    :slot barsTaken (int): The number of bars added to the satchel

    __slots__ = ( 'name' ,  'totalBars' , 'weightPerBar', 'valuePerBar', 'valuePerWeight', 'barsTaken'  )
    _types = ( str , int , int, int, float, int )

    platinum = Metal("platinum", 1, 6, 1000, 166.666667, 0 )
    gold = Metal("gold", 1, 5, 750, 150.0, 0 )
    rhodium = Metal("rhodium", 1, 4, 500, 125.0, 0 )
    silver = Metal("silver", 1, 1, 4, 400.0, 0 )

    Metals = [
        Metal("platinum", 1, 6, 1000, 166.666667, 0 ),
        Metal("gold", 1, 5, 750, 150.0, 0 ) ,
        Metal("rhodium", 1, 4, 500, 125.0, 0 ),
        Metal("silver", 1, 1, 4, 400.0, 0 )

def getKey(Metal):
    return name.valuePerBar

sorted(customlist, key=getKey, reverse=True)



Author: Sean Strout (sps@cs.rit.edu)
Author: <<< YOUR NAME HERE >>>

This class represents the types of metal bars that Greedo can
store in his satchel.  Each type of bar is a separate Metal
object.  This module also has routines that work with metals,
e.g. creation, reading from a file, and sorting based on 
various criteria.

Language: Python 3

from rit_object import *            # rit_object class

class Metal(rit_object):
    Represents a single metal type, composed of:
    :slot name (str): The name of the metal
    :slot totalBars (int): The total number of bars
    :slot weightPerBar (int): The weight of a single bar
    :slot valuePerBar (int): The value of a single bar
    :slot valuePerWeight (float): The value per weight of the metal
    :slot barsTaken (int): The number of bars added to the satchel

    __slots__ = ( 'name' ,  'totalBars' , 'weightPerBar', 'valuePerBar', 'valuePerWeight', 'barsTaken'  )
    _types = ( str , int , int, int, float, int )

def createMetal(name, totalBars, weightPerBar, valuePerBar):
    Create and return a new Metal object.
    :param name (str): The name of the metal
    :param totalBars (int): The total number of bars
    :param weightPerBar (int): The weight of a single bar
    :param valuePerBar (int): The value of a single bar
    :return: A newly initialized Metal object
    :rtype: Metal
    platinum = Metal("platinum", 1, 6, 1000, 166.666667, 0 )
    gold = Metal("gold", 1, 5, 750, 150.0, 0 )
    rhodium = Metal("rhodium", 1, 4, 500, 125.0, 0 )
    silver = Metal("silver", 1, 1, 4, 400.0, 0 )

def readMetals(Metals):

    Read the metals from a file whose format is:
        metalName totalBars weightPerBar valuePerBar
    :param fileName (str): The name of the file
    :return: A list of Metal objects
    :rtype: list

    Metals = [
        Metal("platinum", 1, 6, 1000, 166.666667, 0 ),
        Metal("gold", 1, 5, 750, 150.0, 0 ) ,
        Metal("rhodium", 1, 4, 500, 125.0, 0 ),
        Metal("silver", 1, 1, 4, 400.0, 0 )

print (name.valuePerBar)

def getKey(Metal):
    return name.valuePerBar

def sortMetalsByValuePerBar():
    Sort the metals by value per bar using insertion sort.  The list of
    metals is modified in place to be ordered by value per bar.
    :param metals (list of Metal): The list of metals
    :return: None
    :rtype: NoneType

    return sorted(Metals, key=getKey, reverse=True)

def getKey2(Metal):
        return name.weightPerBar

def sortMetalsByValuePerWeight(metals):

    Sort the metals by value per weight using insertion sort.  The list of
    metals is modified in place to be ordered by value per weight.
    :param metals (list of Metal): The list of metals
    :return: None
    :rtype: NoneType"""

    return sorted(Metals, key=getKey, reverse=True)

def printMetals(metals):
    Display the metals to standard output.
    :param metals (list of Metal): The list of metals
    :return: None
    :rtype: NoneType
    if Q == a:

Q = input ("Enter 'a' for descending order or 'b' for ascending order")

createMetal(name, totalBars, weightPerBar, valuePerBar)

Tags: ofthenamevaluebarintslotmetal