
2024-09-29 22:21:49 发布

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from random import randint

def rollFiveDie():

    allDie = []
    for x in range(5):

    return allDie

def outputUpdate(P, F):


def rollSelect():

    rollSelected = input("Which die would you like to re-roll? (Choose 1, 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 from the list)   ")
    print("  ")
    selectList = rollSelected.split()

    return selectList

def rollPicked(toRollList, diceList):

    for i in toRollList:
        diceList[int(i) - 1] = randint(1,6)

def scoring(dList):

    counts = [0] * 7
    for value in dList:
        counts[value] = counts[value] + 1

    if 5 in counts:
        score = "Five of a Kind", 30
    elif 4 in counts:
        score = "Four of a Kind", 25
    elif (3 in counts) and (2 in counts):
        score = "Full House", 15
    elif 3 in counts:
        score = "Three of a Kind", 10
    elif not (2 in counts) and (counts[1] == 0 or counts[6] == 0):
        score = "Straight", 20
    elif counts.count(2) == 2:
        score = "Two Pair", 5
        score = "Lose", 0

    return score

def numScore(diList):

    counts = [0] * 7
    for v in diList:
        counts[v] = counts[v] + 1

    if 5 in counts:
        finScore = 30
    elif 4 in counts:
        finScore = 25
    elif (3 in counts) and (2 in counts):
        finScore = 15
    elif 3 in counts:
        finScore = 10
    elif not (2 in counts) and (counts[1] == 0 or counts[6] == 0):
        finScore = 20
    elif counts.count(2) == 2:
        finScore = 5
        finScore = 0

    return finScore

def printScore(fscore):
    print("  ")

def trackScore(score1, score2):

    comScore = (score1) + (score2)

    return comScore

#Starting Points
playPoints = 100
print("New round! Your points are: ", playPoints)
newPlayPoints = 100 - 10

def updatePlayPoints(nPP, PP):

    nPP = PP

    return nPP

def diceGame():

    contPlaying = True
    while contPlaying:

        playing = input("It takes 10 points to play. Would you like to play the Dice Game? (Answer 'y' or 'n'):  ")
        print('  ')

        if playing == 'y':

            #First Roll
            fiveDie = rollFiveDie()

            outputUpdate("Your roll is...", fiveDie)

            #Choosing Second Roll/Second Roll execution
            pickDie = input("Which die would you like to re-roll? (Choose 1, 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 from the list)   ")
            print("   ")
            pickDie = pickDie.split()

            rollPicked(pickDie, fiveDie)

            outputUpdate("Your next roll is...", fiveDie)

            #Choosing Last Roll
            pickDie = rollSelect()

            rollPicked(pickDie, fiveDie)

            outputUpdate("Your final roll is...", fiveDie)

            #Scoring output

            finalScore = numScore(fiveDie)


            fiveDieScore = numScore(fiveDie)

            finalPoints = newPlayPoints + finalScore


            #Attempting to get playingPoint to become new "newPlayPoints"
            playingPoint = trackScore(fiveDieScore, newPlayPoints)

            if playingPoint > 10:
                playingPoint - 10

                    print("No more points to spend. Game Over.")
                    contPlaying = False

            updatePlayPoints(newPlayPoints, playingPoint)


            contPlaying = False

def main():



Tags: andtoinreturndefscoreprintroll
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-29 22:21:49

您正在返回newPlayPoints,但没有将它们设置为任何值。您只需调用updatePlayPoints,对返回值不做任何操作。您不需要trackscoreupdatePlayPointsnewPlayPoints。而是将fiveDieScore添加到PlayingPoint。而且,按照现在的设置,玩家可以无分开始游戏。我假设应该有一个初始点数,我把它设为10。所以现在每一回合你都要检查玩家是否有足够的点数来平衡比赛,并且他们是否立即减去这些点数。把它想象成一个街机游戏。你必须有四分之一的上场时间,你要做的第一件事就是付出场费。你减去分数的方法毫无用处。PlayingPoint - 10是一个有效的行,但是您将它设置为nothing,所以它什么也不做。你知道吗

def diceGame():

contPlaying = True
PlayingPoints = 10 #Initial points
while contPlaying:

    playing = input("It takes 10 points to play. Would you like to play the Dice Game? (Answer 'y' or 'n'):  ")
    print('  ')

    if playing == 'y' and PlayingPoint >= 10:

        #Subtract the points used for the turn
        PlayingPoint -= 10

        #First Roll
        fiveDie = rollFiveDie()

        outputUpdate("Your roll is...", fiveDie)

        #Choosing Second Roll/Second Roll execution
        pickDie = input("Which die would you like to re-roll? (Choose 1, 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 from the list)   ")
        print("   ")
        pickDie = pickDie.split()

        rollPicked(pickDie, fiveDie)

        outputUpdate("Your next roll is...", fiveDie)

        #Choosing Last Roll
        pickDie = rollSelect()

        rollPicked(pickDie, fiveDie)

        outputUpdate("Your final roll is...", fiveDie)

        #Scoring output

        finalScore = numScore(fiveDie)

        fiveDieScore = numScore(fiveDie)

        finalPoints = PlayingPoint + finalScore

        playingPoint += fiveDieScore            


        contPlaying = False


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