
2024-06-24 12:37:43 发布

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< S sid ="2" ssid = "2">It differs from previous machine learning-based NERs in that it uses information from the whole document to classify each word, with just one classifier.< /S>< S sid ="3" ssid = "3">Previous work that involves the gathering of information from the whole document often uses a secondary classifier, which corrects the mistakes of a primary sentence- based classifier.< /S>


citance = citance[citance.find(">")+1:citance.rfind("<")]


It differs from previous machine learning-based NERs in that it uses information from the whole document to classify each word, with just one classifier.< /S>< S sid ="3" ssid = "3">Previous work that involves the gathering of information from the whole document often uses a secondary classifier, which corrects the mistakes of a primary sentence- based classifier.


It differs from previous machine learning-based NERs in that it uses information from the whole document to classify each word, with just one classifier. Previous work that involves the gathering of information from the whole document often uses a secondary classifier, which corrects the mistakes of a primary sentence- based classifier.


Tags: ofthefrominformationthatitdocumentbased


import re

string = ">here is some text<>here is some more text<"
matches = re.findall(">(.*?)<", string)
for match in matches: print match

似乎你在获取太多结果方面遇到了问题。“这里是更多的文本& lt”的匹配可以从字符串中的第一个字符到最后一个字符,因为它们是“& gt”和“& lt”,而忽略中间的字符。“.*?”成语会使它找到最多的点击次数。你知道吗




from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

xml_text = '< S sid ="2" ssid = "2">It differs from previous machine learning-based NERs in that it uses information from the whole document to classify each word, with just one classifier.< /S>< S sid ="3" ssid = "3">Previous work that involves the gathering of information from the whole document often uses a secondary classifier, which corrects the mistakes of a primary sentence- based classifier.< /S>'

text_soup = BeautifulSoup(xml_text, 'lxml')

output = text_soup.find_all('S', attrs = {'sid': '2'})


It differs from previous machine learning-based NERs in that it uses information from the whole document to classify each word, with just one classifier.


import re

xml_text = '< S sid ="2" ssid = "2">It differs from previous machine learning-based NERs in that it uses information from the whole document to classify each word, with just one classifier.< /S>< S sid ="3" ssid = "3">Previous work that involves the gathering of information from the whole document often uses a secondary classifier, which corrects the mistakes of a primary sentence- based classifier.< /S>'

re.sub('<.*?>', '', html_text)


我将使用python regex模块:re 通过这样做:

re.findall(r'\">(.*?)<', text_to_parse)

这个方法将从一个引号返回到多个引号,但是如果您想要一个统一的文本(" ".join(....)),就可以将它们连接起来

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