
2024-09-25 00:36:26 发布

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from Tkinter import *

def quit():

def buttonclick(event):
    global calcvalue
    global savedvalue
    global operator
    pressed = ""
    if event.x >10 and event.x <70 and event.y > 50 and event.y < 110 : pressed = 7
    if event.x >10 and event.x <70 and event.y > 120 and event.y < 180 : pressed = 4
    if event.x >10 and event.x <70 and event.y > 190 and event.y < 250 : pressed = 1
    if event.x >10 and event.x <70 and event.y > 260 and event.y < 320 : pressed = 0
    if event.x >80 and event.x <140 and event.y > 50 and event.y < 110 : pressed = 8
    if event.x >80 and event.x <140 and event.y > 120 and event.y < 180 : pressed = 5
    if event.x >80 and event.x <140 and event.y > 190 and event.y < 250 : pressed = 2
    if event.x >150 and event.x <210 and event.y > 50 and event.y < 110 : pressed = 9
    if event.x >150 and event.x <210 and event.y > 120 and event.y < 180 : pressed = 6
    if event.x >150 and event.x <210 and event.y > 190 and event.y < 250 : pressed = 3
    if event.x >80 and event.x <140 and event.y > 260 and event.y < 320 : pressed =   "equals"
    if event.x >150 and event.x <210 and event.y > 260 and event.y < 320 : pressed = "clear"
    if event.x >220 and event.x <280 and event.y > 50 and event.y < 110 : pressed = "divide"
    if event.x >220 and event.x <280 and event.y > 120 and event.y < 180 : pressed = "times"
    if event.x >220 and event.x <280 and event.y > 190 and event.y < 250 : pressed = "minus"
    if event.x >220 and event.x <280 and event.y > 260 and event.y < 320 : pressed = "plus"

    if pressed == 0 or pressed == 1 or pressed == 2 or pressed == 3 or pressed == 4 or  pressed == 5 or pressed == 6 or pressed == 7 or pressed == 8 or pressed == 9 :
        calcvalue = calcvalue * 10 + pressed

    if pressed == "divide" or pressed == "times" or pressed == "minus" or pressed == "plus" :
        operator = pressed
        savedvalue = calcvalue
        calcvalue = 0

    if pressed == "equals":
        if operator == "divide": calcvalue =  savedvalue /calcvalue
        if operator == "times": calcvalue =  savedvalue * calcvalue
        if operator == "minus": calcvalue =  savedvalue - calcvalue
        if operator == "plus": calcvalue =  savedvalue + calcvalue

    if pressed == "clear":
        calcvalue = 0


def displayupdate():
    canvas.create_rectangle(10, 10, 280, 40, fill="white", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(260, 25,  text=calcvalue,font="Times 20  bold",anchor=E)

def main():
    global window
    global tkinter
    global canvas
    window = Tk()
    window.title("Simple Calculator")
    Button(window, text="Quit",  width=5, command=quit).pack()
    canvas = Canvas(window, width= 290, height=330, bg = 'beige')
    canvas.bind("<Button-1>", buttonclick)

#Add the numbers
    canvas.create_rectangle(10, 50, 50, 110, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(40, 80,  text="7",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(10, 120, 70, 180, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(40, 150,  text="4",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(10, 190, 70, 250, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(40, 220,  text="1",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(10, 260, 70, 320, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(40, 290,  text="0",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(80, 50, 140, 110, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(110, 80,  text="8",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(80, 120, 140, 180, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(110, 150,  text="5",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(80, 190, 140, 250, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(110, 220,  text="2",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(150, 50, 210, 110, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(180, 80,  text="9",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(150, 120, 210, 180, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(180, 150,  text="6",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(150, 190, 210, 250, fill="yellow", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(180, 220,  text="3",font="Times 30  bold")

#Add the operators
    canvas.create_rectangle(80, 260, 140, 320, fill="green", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(110, 290,  text="=",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(150, 260, 210, 320, fill="green", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(180, 290,  text="C",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(220, 50, 280, 110, fill="pink", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(250, 80,  text="/",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(220, 120, 280, 180, fill="pink", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(250, 150,  text="*",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(220, 190, 280, 250, fill="pink", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(250, 220,  text="-",font="Times 30  bold")

    canvas.create_rectangle(220, 260, 280, 320, fill="pink", outline="black")
    canvas.create_text(250, 290,  text="+",font="Times 30  bold")

#Setup the display
    canvas.create_rectangle(10, 10, 280, 40, fill="white", outline="black")
    global calcvalue
    calcvalue = 0



Tags: andtexteventifcreatefillcanvasblack
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-25 00:36:26







def do_number(n):
    global entry # the entry where we should insert the number
    entry.insert("end", n)



def number(number):
    global frame
    b = Button(frame, text=label, command=lambda: do_number(number))
    return b


Note 1: I'm generally against using global variables in this manner. Generally speaking it better to pass in the containing frame rather than rely on a global. In this specific case the use of the global makes the code a bit more compact, as you'll see in another paragraph or two. If we were building this calculator as class, we could use an instance variable instead of a global.

Note 2: declaring the variable as global here has no real effect. Globals must only be declared when you want to modify the variable. However, I put the global statement in to serve as a declaration that I intend for the variable named frame to be global. This is purely a matter of personal preference


def make_row(row, *buttons):
    for column,button in enumerate(buttons):
        button.grid(row=row, column=column, sticky="nsew")


frame = Frame(window, bg="beige")
entry = Entry(frame, borderwidth=1, relief="solid")
entry.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky="nsew")
make_row(1, number("7"),   number("8"),   number("9"), operator("/"))
make_row(2, number("4"),   number("5"),   number("6"), operator("*"))
make_row(3, number("1"),   number("2"),   number("3"), operator("-"))
make_row(4, number("0"), function("="), function("C"), operator("+"))



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